Oh Lord, we should have known if we didn't. The Wankpanzer is basically an Apartheid era enforcement truck, except with sheet metal falling off.
#Musk and his fans aren't even proper fascists, they're parodies of the fascists they *want* to be.
The intention should be taken completely seriously, and we should also laugh in their faces.
Onward, #TeslaTakedown!
#tesla #cybertruck #clustertruck
ICYMI: Cybertruck sheet metal does in fact fall off
At the protest yesterday we were chanting "SELL YOUR TESLA" every time a Tesla passed by, and honestly I think we're doing Tesla drivers a favor. We may even be saving their lives!
@MaryAustinBooks Well, they have to sell them to someone, so it’s really just pushing the misery down the line.
Yes, but now Trump is telling MAGAs to buy Teslas to own the libs, after a decade of trashing EV's. We're all trying not to laugh too loudly, because they do need to electrify, even if they do it for the most hilariously ironic reason.
@MaryAustinBooks British Columbia recently ended a rebate program on Tesla chargers. I’m not sure what that means yet, with every car switching to the Tesla design. Presumably, other companies sell the same connector.
If it seems like I’m lazy not looking this up, it’s because I just got in the car and have to drive somewhere.
@MaryAustinBooks It’s sort of like the conservation of energy. Teslas aren’t created or destroyed. Well, I mean, they have created in plants and destroyed if they hit a puddle. So there’s that.
@MaryAustinBooks @tewha Tesla can be stripped for parts and used to electrify oldtimers (and the way these are "trickling down" to the "bro" type drivers, there will ben plenty of them crashed to provide an ample supply of such parts, which will also encourage folk to reverse engineer them (particularly in countries where Musk has little legal clout) and create an aftermarket that he can't get as much profit from..
some of them can just end the lease.
Yes, and I've heard they're doing that. I know not everybody has the option to sell immediately-- though in those cases they're getting bumper stickers that say "We bought it before we knew how awful it is." You can get all kinds of anti Musk bumper stickers on Etsy and they're selling really well.
@i_give_u_worms @MaryAustinBooks
“Return Your Tesla! Sell Your Stock” is probably a bigger hit on #Tesla’s numbers