Quick #RStats #RStudio #Quarto question: With the latest version of RStudio, is it still necessary to download quarto separately or is it included?
Disclaimer: I read the websites of both and it wasn't clear to me, possibly due to a lack of deductive skills. I could find out myself by uninstalling and reainstalling, but I'm too lazy to mess up my setup.
@JorisMeys nope! Quarto comes bundled with RStudio
@LeafyEricScott Super, thx!
@JorisMeys ~~I think so~~ what @LeafyEricScott says
@JorisMeys I use nightlies, updated twice a week in a cronjob fetching packages then placed in a one-off repo, and I see a newer quarto from quarto itself. I'd say it likely depends on your actual needs?
@eddelbuettel students writing a little project, so it's not critical to have the latest version.