Uhuru Kenyatta: When you see the devastation caused across this continent by the many unnecessary wars in Sudan, DRC; we have actually lost more people to bullets fired by Africans on Africans than we lost to the Corona virus. We’ve spent more buying those bullets to kill ourselves than we have spent on protecting our health and our societies.
@JonathanMBR impressive man!
A good word. But: will that stop the mechanisms of needs and greed, that are utilized by "western" countries to exploit Africa? Will there be political leaders resilient to bribary? Will family fathers stop getting hired as mercenaries, when they have feed hungry mouths?
There is a huge devastation of mind caused by capitalists money. Right today, the Bundestag (federal parliament of Germany) handed over humanity to profit. This January 29.th will remembered as the day, the second fascist regime here started.
They test things out on less powerful people first.