Senator Liz Warren going after the corrupted US #SupremeCourt..
I only agree with this in part. The Justices #Thomas #Alito #Roberts #Kavanaugh #AmyBarrett have all proven that #political #politicalpower supersedes any form of ethical behavior. We must demand a #SCOTUS free of #politicalbias #ScotusCoup for political purposes. They must be removed and perhaps indicted for violating oath and/or face #Impeachment
When we #compromise for political reasons, we affirm that a #CompromisedSCOTUS can choose #SCOTUSIsCorrupt and we do not care.
@JaniceOCG @DarleneRyan Yes, if a binding code of ethics was instituted and retroactive, how many #SCOTUS justices would end up with reprimands, fines, or even lose their seat? All of them? Probably not Jackson. I think I heard in the news that she even reported that she was given a flower arrangement.