I swear to all the gods that the second worst fucking thing about the US of A after their fucking imperialism and its consequences is their fucking date system of MM/DD/YYYY.
ISO 8601: exists
The US of A: Ne'er heard of it, pardner.
@Illuminatus are the imperial versus SI units part of the imperialism, or part of lack of respect for standards?
@juandesant Imperial? The fucking Yanks do not have any kind of consistence with that either: US pints are 16 fluid ounces, while the British pints are 20 fluid ounces, that's 20% less of volume. How's that for any kind of rational measuring system!?
@Illuminatus can’t they make the difference up in volume?
Sorry, I’ll show myself off.
@Illuminatus I LIVE IN the US & it's made me nuts more or less forever. (Team YYYY-MM-DD, here.)
@FeralRobots As any sensible person is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601
@Illuminatus don't you count this as part of "their ridiculous units"?