Via Anna Bower:
Frankly, this is shameful on the part of Paul, Weiss.
The executive orders targeting law firms are an existential threat to the legal industry. Capitulation is not the answer.
#Trump rescinds his Executive Order targeting Paul, Weiss because the firm entered into an “agreement” with Trump.
According to the White House, Trump agreed to rescind after a meeting w/ Paul Weiss chairman Brad Karp, in which Karp “acknowledged the wrongdoing” of former partner Mark Pomerantz.
@GottaLaff From Brad Karp’s firm bio: “In 2023, Brad co-chaired a New York State Bar Association Task Force on Advancing Diversity, which released a 90-page report detailing how law schools, law firms, corporations and courts can maintain their diversity in the wake of the Supreme Court’s 2023 decision barring race-conscious university admissions policies.”
Might want to, uh, tidy that up now that he’s openly abjured DEI in kissing Trump’s rosy pink ring.
So are they all, all honorable men.
@GottaLaff oof, yeah not good.
It's unfortunately a 'feature' of the legal - the best action for an 'individual' (firm or person) isn't necessarily the best action for the rest of us.
No idea how you fix that given interests of all parties
@GottaLaff Exactly. Shameful is the only word for it.
@GottaLaff What's more, lawyers of all people should know that "admission of wrongdoing" opens them up to a world of legal trouble.
Apparently even "I'm sorry" can be interpreted dangerously in the right scenarios. "We acknowledge wrongdoing" is basically "please sue us into oblivion."
Though, when they're talking to someone who is trying to become a fascist dictator, the danger may not be a lawsuit. It may be prison. Or worse...
SHAME doesnt work on the shameless
@GottaLaff kiss the ring
Gutless punk with selfish interests. No vision of the greater Republic.
@GottaLaff I went to school with people who became attorneys. I know they had to take the same history classes and political science classes that the rest of us did. I’m even going to assume that white shoe attorneys went to better universities than I did, or at least had prettier endowments.
So there is no damn excuse for them to not know that appeasement doesn’t work, it’s never worked, it will never work, it just makes the bully more entitled. We are surrounded by Chamberlains when what we need is a good Churchill.
@MissConstrue @GottaLaff ……… Marc Elias.
@browngraham243 He's a lawyer, not a world leader though. @MissConstrue
Boot lickers gonna lick boots.
@MasterMischief @GottaLaff We all still refuse to call the tollway that runs east-west in the north part of the dfw metroplex the George Bush Tollway. It's just "The Tollway", the other tollway is the "North Dallas Tollway".
@MissConstrue @GottaLaff
White shoe attorneys, like most of us, do cost-benefit analysis.
On one hand, you could save the Republic.
Save the Republic? Keep your partnership compensation and bonuses?
Appeasement does not enter into this calculation.
@RTFirefly @GottaLaff Yeah, that's probably fair. I keep forgetting how capitalism ruins everything.
@MissConstrue @GottaLaff What we need is direct democracy aka anarchy. No more "presidents" or "senators" or any other permanent positions of power. No more competitive elections where winner takes all. This whole system is a disaster, a failure and has been for a long, long time. No more nation-states that are nothing but giant protection rackets.
In my many decades upon the bosom of mother earth, I have done many things, including communal living off the grid, and herding the cats that are the sort of people who tend towards anarchy.
Communal living and anarchy only work when everyone involved *wants* to be involved. In a culture which has been deeply marinated in capitalism for generations, where social commons and good have been deprecated and ridiculed, it's going to be very difficult to change their world view.
That said; the United States as an experiment has failed. in the 21st century, a centralized American government is like trying to administer the entire EU from Turkey.
How we fix that though? Man, I dunno.