#MarkCarney’s new cabinet to include Chrystia Freeland, but leave out leadership rival Karina Gould: sources — Toronto Star #Canada
@GottaLaff This...is disappointing. She was the best communicator in the leadership race, by far....and the most likely to appeal to the youngs and voters on left.
@dcdeejay @GottaLaff it’s a small cabinet so I don’t think it’s a reflection on her. I hope she gets included in the future. I ranked her second.
@monicarooney @GottaLaff I guess I have no choice but to see how it all shakes out, but I think he's making a mistake.
Freeland knows how to womp Trump & Putin economics.
@GottaLaff I just hope he keeps Nate Erskine-Smith in Housing.