#SCOTUS declined to consider overturning a 25-year-old precedent that upheld "buffer zone" laws — limiting how close protesters can get to #abortion clinic entrances.
It's a serious setback for abortion opponents.
@GottaLaff wow. Nice
The RW nuts on SCOTUS make me sick.
I worked as a TV news cameraperson in Pensacola in the 90s during the clinic assassinations.
Like I saw bodies and repeatedly interviewed people on both sides.
The potential for religious radicalization via the misleading propaganda spread by the anti-choice leaders (many of whom are only in it for the donations their "ministries" raise) is extreme, and the Republicans and even many "mainstream" churches cuddle and encourage them
The buffer is the absolute minimum
@tiberiusgracchus I know. I covered Tiller a LOT. This is at least a win though
@GottaLaff It’s a *literal* setback for abortion opponents too. As in, “y’all have to stand back.” Hah! Sorry, was I gloating?
@GottaLaff Encouraging, for sure.
I’m trying to shut down the voice in my head that tells me they’re relaxing here so they can tighten elsewhere. That voice is annoying AF, but raises ideas worth considering.
Still, I’ll take the win.
@evoterra @GottaLaff I’m thinking it’s more like proactive self-defense. Most of the justices know they’re highly unpopular, they don’t want protestors getting too close to them! So…let’s pretend it’s about something else while CYA.
@GottaLaff Thank gods. I was a clinic escort in the days before the buffer zone, and it was brutal. At least back then, there were gun laws, so seeing a weapon was rare, but now? Holy shit, I can’t imagine the stress of getting roughed up like I did then knowing there were assault rifles in the crowd.
@MissConstrue Oh I know!! Now it's crazier than ever. And thanks for doing that. Gratitude/respect.