“ #Trump's newly-confirmed FBI director, #KashPatel, is expected to take on another top law enforcement role in the administration as head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives..
Patel's appointment could be made official as soon as next week with a swearing-in ceremony” https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/fbi-director-kash-patel-named-atf-chief-rcna193332
@GottaLaff ... that was a quickie ... powernap ...
@GottaLaff Cant wait to see what great deals he’ll have on pills and supplements then
@GottaLaff How is it legal to hold two such powerful positions simultaneously?
@Sandywb @GottaLaff
It's easy if you half-ass both. Of course, they are extra incompetent and unqualified so them half-assing is the equivalent of a qualified person being in a coma and letting a dog respond to emails on their laptop.
@GottaLaff so, as director of FBI, he’s going to have so little to do… that he can juggle a second job?
Un frikken believable.
Every time I think the train must now be fully off the rails, it goes even further off
Appointing Ka$h Patel, his preferred spelling, as director of ATF is more a statement of how little Trump wants ATF to do than about how Patel can't handle both jobs. Besides, Patel can't handle the job as director of the FBI on his best day.
They are all high as fucking kites. Just nervous systems on blast.
@GottaLaff When you think it couldn’t get worse.
@GottaLaff I thought you went to sleep
@GottaLaff This is the absolute WORST movie script I have ever read....make it stop!
Well, you know…once they’re done firing everyone in both agencies, there will be nothing much to manage anymore. I guess.
@GottaLaff I believe that is gonna be overturned by the courts.
@GottaLaff A fucking lunatic
because they are both part time jobs?
@GottaLaff Where are all the good toadies when you need one. He’s having to double up on the ones too dumb to hide, because even MAGA know this way lies madness*.
I like to think of it as a “DOGE” dodge for Dems. One trial for two administrative positions when this is finally over is an enormous governmental cost savings…
(*Ok fascism and probably prison but madness just sounds better.)
@GottaLaff wow. That's really awful.