Via Andrew Weissmann:
Add this development to #PamBondi’s 1st day memo killing off most FARA cases (FARA prohibits in essence foreign interference unless disclosed to DOJ) .
@GottaLaff Doing Uncle Vlad's bidding...
@GottaLaff Do all of those assets just go back to Russia and its oligarchs? Has 47 just screwed Ukraine over?
@KevinM1 He was already doing that last part
@GottaLaff Russian investments have paid off. That's some rubles well spent for Putin.
@GottaLaff when the criminals are in charge, the crimes are suddenly ok
@GottaLaff American #oligarchs doing a solid for their Russian #oligarch buddies. Big win for global #oligarchy!
Not even a pretense of commitment to democracy or American interests. Thanks to the gullibility of Republican voters, the oligarchy can thrive in the open.
@charvaka Exactly. Racism, oligarchy, bigotry, you name it... right out there now.
@GottaLaff Yeah, the Felon's biggest legacy is taking away the shame and fear of consequences that used to be associated with openly showing these behaviors. That's why the bigots adore him so much.
@charvaka The many TV clips from diners: "He sounds just like me"
Don't forget Big ups to the people that voted for Biden in 2020 but stayed home in 2024.
Again, 300 million guns in the hands of 'the people', where are the good guys?
@GottaLaff More #Trump & Co efforts to avoid any consequences for corruption. #Putin must be rejoicing, along with the billionaires around the world. The rest of us? Not so much.
TY for your posts, as always. Yikes!!!
@GottaLaff They are foreign government assets!
@GottaLaff Just leaving this here: #WhatWouldPutinDo
Um, in terms of "government waste", I assume this unit bought in more dollars than it actually cost to run?
So much for any of the seized assets sold to support Ukraine.