Elon Musk is paying voters again ahead of the Wisconsin Supreme Court election
I guarantee he used this tactic in '24 to get a list of names and submitted fake ballots in those people’s names with an AI algorithm using Ethan Shao Tran’s (doge boy who won hackathon in 2020) ballotproof software. Not 1 recount in any of the swing states. If this goes the way I think it will, a recount MUST be demanded.
@Raiderkev @MicroWave the Election Truth Alliance have found some weird numbers (as have Smart Elections) and are currently asking for people to sign a petition for Pennsylvania to hand recount three specific counties https://youtu.be/LBDqYxZoc14
@Raiderkev @MicroWave here are some of Smart Elections' findings. https://open.substack.com/pub/smartelections/p/so-clean
I want to believe, but can anyone debunk this? Like, point out a reasonable, plausible explanation for this that doesn’t involve fraud?
@gamer I'd like to know the same thing.