Question for chicken owners, out of curiosity: what do you think the ACTUAL price of a dozen eggs is from the backyard chickens?
Include: feed, enclosure/repairs, lost chickens from predators, vet visits, chicken retirement lodge, chicken sweaters and hats, etc etc? #chickens
@ai6yr I spend about $6/week in food for 8 hens and get 2-6 eggs a day. Add treats like mealworms and it could cost more, maybe $10. Ditto on them being great for pest and weed control, and adding great nutrients to the soil if you've got a proper compost set up.
Farmers markets are a good resource for extra food scraps, & no food goes to waste.
We're in the city & built a strong, enclosed coop (dug down 2 feet and laid wire underneath their run cuz of critters and haven't had any problems).