We can abandon Chuck Schumer, but we can't afford to abandon Democrats.
Trump now has massively more power than he did last week as Chuck Schumer caves — again
@DemocracyMattersALot First of all we can't afford to have a demented psychopathic criminal enemy of the Constitution & KGB/FSB asset in White House, who's holding the United States presidential seat hostage.
@ArenaCops @DemocracyMattersALot
Note that the article is from 2022, though the concerns remain valid.
@christymarx @DemocracyMattersALot The decisive message of the article applied then, ten years, twenty, thirty or more years ago & will continue to apply with no end:
Psychopath Trump is an incurable enemy of laws & the Constitution — which naturally disqualifies him holding any public office, most of all presidential office which would at minimum require a mentally sane, mature, law- & Constitution-abiding & -knowing person willing to serve the American people & not intent to have the American people his servants.
@ArenaCops @DemocracyMattersALot
Oh hell yeah. I agree completely.
@christymarx @DemocracyMattersALot Be assured, these days it's no coincidence, that "psychopath" & "president" both start with a "p" — please wash hands after urinating!
@DemocracyMattersALot Please note, that the headline of the article requested from the original politico web address reads
"Cheney calls Trump ‘enemy of the Constitution’ after he proposes terminating it", when you're going to that page,
different from what is misleadingly displayed here with the link included in the message.