The two tomato varieties I have chose are an heirloom called #Tomato #BigRainbow and a "new" variety called #PurplePeruvian which is supposedly some sort of new to cultivation, in the UK at least, "wild" tomato species.
So far I am impressed with neither, although the Peruvian ones are farther along than the Big Rainbows.
I'm sticking with Marmande. They're huge, heavy croppers, and make the best Greek salad for miles around. For a smaller tomato, we also have Ddraig Goch (Red Dragon).
@Walrus I'm just attracted to novelty. I just have to keep trying something new and shiny. I'm bad like that.
This year, I'm also trying Queensland Blue pumpkins too.
#Gardening #ScottishGardening #BeechgroveGarden
This is the first year in ages that I have not bothered with any cucumber plants in the greenhouse. Last year's were far too successful, and I didn't like the flavour either!
The novelty veggies I have grown recently include Boston Red artichokes, yacon, oca, and mashua. Not keen on the mashua, which is a pity, as it seems impossible to get rid of...
@Walrus I might try the mashua, albeit in a giant pot.