Last month a visit from Israeli football club Maccabi in Amsterdam resulted in violence erupting throughout the city. To gain a better understanding of the events, we worked with Dutch newspaper @Trouw to analyse videos that circulated online.
@Bellingcat @Trouw behind paywall sadly
@dominic @Bellingcat When you go to printversion on your browser, or copy past the URL in archive dot ph, you might be able to access it.
I'm reading it now and the first part is heavily centered on the Israelis: in a side remark the first person interviewed is a "reservist who served in Gaza" which means the guy is part of an army committing war crimes and genocide which Trouw doesn't mention only later and indirectly. They call what the Maccabi war criminals used on the taxi "a belt" (leather) while it was a heavy metal bicycle chain.
They say the films are shocking, but I saw them that Thursday evening when they were circulating on TwiX. As an 60+ yo Amsterdammer I say they're not that violent, and especially don't compare to children with their heads or legs blown off by American bombs dropped by these Israeli reservists or (alive!) Palestinians run over by these Israeli reservists in their tanks in Gaza, IMNHSO, @Bellingcat.
@palestine #MaccabiHooligans #Amsterdam #GazaGenocide #propaganda
Mijn reactie:
@Bellingcat @Trouw it’s not ok to start your article in the middle of the story! quote: “De kiem voor de geweldsuitbarsting ligt een dag eerder”… & “Maccabi-aanhangers hebben meerdere taxichauffeurs uitgescholden, bespuugd of tegen hun auto getrapt.”
@Bellingcat The reason that the first part is centered around a war criminal (Matan Kaminski, the Gaza reservist) sets immediately the tone for the rest of this piece of Israeli propaganda. It even tries to build sympathy for this IDF soldier. Journalists should know that most readers only read the first part (or worse, only the header and the intro). So as a journalist you have extra responsibility to be extra neutral in the first part of an article. This is clearly not the case.
The rest of the article tries to straighten this out, but it didn't succeed. This article is a poorly sourced biased piece of framing. There have been better reports about what happened during these days, also focusing on the framing news media and the even more and dangerous framing by many politicians. Almost all people from #Amsterdam knew what happened these days and it was not what you describe.
This is really unworthy for #Bellingcat, but also not surprising; because Bellingcat made more mistakes since October 7 2023. Starting with one of your staff members who, in a Dutch talkshow, uncritically repeated the comprehensively debunked propaganda lies by the Israeli state.