"The Far Side has countless comic strips featuring animals. Moreover, it also has many strips that show the fight between animals and humans. The Far Side creator Gary Larson has definitely made it no secret that he prefers animals to humans in his comic strips."
#weird #offbeat #comics #animals #satire #lol #funny
"Just a short drive outside of Charlotte, North Carolina, the quaint city of Kannapolis is seeing a rapid economic revival. The city, which was traditionally known for its textile mills, has recently transformed into a research hub in the for Southeast."
#weird #offbeat #odd #fun #sports https://www.fastcompany.com/91301568/creative-freedom-minor-league-baseball
Second: Smithsonian better hide all their couches… #VanceFucksCouches #Weird #Fascist
Happy #MusiciansDay! (yeah I missed it here in Oz but it's still the 27th elsewhere on the globe). I make #psychedelic, #ambient, #analogue #electronic and otherwise #weird #music, some of which I have placed delicately and with loving care upon the undulating digital waves of the information stuporhighway - aka my #Faircamp site, here -
An example thereof, by way of an audiovisual manifestation, aka a film clip, can be seen on my #Peertube here -
If you've ever enjoyed a Weird Al song, you owe it to yourself to watch this movie. Weird: The Al Yankovic Story (2022) is a parody of a biopic and it's streaming on Roku.
As a biopic parody, it's everything that Weird Al ISN'T! & so many pseudo-cameos!
"Researchers detected short clicking noises from rig sharks during handling in the lab, though they’re not sure why or how the sound is produced"
#weirdnews #weird #offbeat #odd #news https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/listen-to-the-first-known-recording-of-shark-sounds-a-weird-audio-clip-captured-at-a-marine-lab-in-new-zealand-180986314/
One of the 286 issues of SIFILLITICA PSYCHOTICA. Learn more at sifillis.com!
#zine #fanzine #zines #ZINEフェス東京 #ZINEフェス名古屋 #books #BooksWorthReading #indieauthor #weird #wierd #comics #comicstrip #jodo #90s #90snostalgia #90skid #puppet #puppets #bookstodon #BookStadon #gremlin #yokai #bookreview #jodorowsky #panic
"I’m not even gonna say anything about it because we’ve been telling y’all that stranger things (thanks, Netflix) have been happening in our ocean. And our Gulf of America for that matter."
#weirdnews #weird #offbeat #odd #news https://953thebear.com/alabama-beaches-being-invaded-by-strange-things/
Trump crowns himself the ‘fertilization president’ at Women’s History Month event:
"We're gonna have tremendous goodies in the bag for women too. The women, between the fertilization and all the other things we're talking about, it's gonna be great. Fertilization. I'm still very proud of it, I don't care. I'll be known as the fertilization president and that's okay."
Platycotis vittata, the oak treehopper, is a species of treehopper found in North America. It is known for its parental care of nymphs, vibrant color patterns, and the way it communicates through vibrations. Their communication is by sending signals through shaking bodies, they overwinter as females in leaf litter and emerge in the spring to lay eggs. They secrete honeydew a sweet by-product of digestion, which ants and other insects feed on.
#weird #insects #nature
"A modified pig liver transplanted into a human patient appears to have functioned normally for the duration of the investigation with no signs of rejection."
#weirdnews #weird #offbeat #odd #news #science #medicine #biology https://www.sciencealert.com/pig-liver-successfully-transplanted-into-human-patient-in-world-first
I understand that @HailsandAles has dubbed it #WhiplashWednesday and at first I wasn't sure if I was going to listen to much metal today, but who am I kidding.
A KILLER grind (powerviolence?) band I discovered thanks to @Easydor that I've had on all afternoon (seriously, EVERYTHING they've done is GREAT) that I won't even save for a GrindayFriday is the super weird ONA SNOP from Leeds.
If this doesn't give you whiplash, I don't know what will.
#metal #grind #powerviolence #OnaSnop #Leeds #LeedsUK #LeedsMetal #LeedsBands #UKMetal #UKBands #grindcore #weird #psych @vanessawynn @wendigo
"Another YouTuber put Tesla vehicles through a ‘Wile E. Coyote’ wall test with mixed results."
#weirdnews #weird #offbeat #odd #news https://www.theverge.com/news/634130/tesla-fsd-wile-e-coyote-youtube-test-cybertruck