Scaling laws in urban #ecosystems: A new perspective on city growth
https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1076022 #science #UrbanEcology #ecology #cities #urbanisation

Scaling laws in urban #ecosystems: A new perspective on city growth
https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1076022 #science #UrbanEcology #ecology #cities #urbanisation
Vertebrate Diversity In Stormwater Sewer Systems Of Alachua County, Florida
https://www.eaglehill.us/URNAonline2/access-pages/075-Ivory-accesspage.shtml <-- shared paper
[not NYC, but Florida, a fascinating Friday afternoon read for me…]
#urbanization #urbanisation #animal #Vertebrate #Diversity #StormwaterSewerSystems #AlachuaCounty #Florida #humaninpacts #urbananimals #subterranean #tunnels #monitoring #cameratraps #anthropogenic #mapping #spatial #spatialanalysis #amphibians #reptiles #birds #mammals #raccoons #alligator #urban #urbanplanning
It boils down to #development planning, liveable cities #TownPlanning and integrated infrastructure. Let’s face it, Australian cities and towns are an abomination of financial speculation and absolute disregard for the environment. This has led to a hotchpotch development of isolated infrastructure, workplaces, services and habitat. Righting all those wrongs is well nigh impossible, very expensive, and (vip for the top end of town) unprofitable - ain’t goin’ to happen.
Not so for #greenfield and new satellite cities where toughtful planning with a focus on the #environment can deliver cleaner, more efficient/productive and healthy living for its inhabitants. Not a dream but ‘possibilities’ and ‘opportunities’, but only if there is political will to ‘make it so’.
In the meantime, healthy living is pushed out to the backstage and govt tinker around the edges to keep us under control. Again, there is a lack of popular movement strong enough to sway govts away from tipping the hat to #corporatism and #grifters.
There really is only one way out of this mess (barring bloody revolutions) and that is to #unionise get out in the streets and demand action (or else) and fully exercise our rights to #vote accordingly.
There are only two things bullies (govt and grifter alike) respond to and that is resolute #opposition and a bigger bully than themselves. Unions can become the bigger bully (again), and resolute #resistance needs to come from all of us (that is to say the majority). I don’t mind supporting a big bully, if I can control that bully (guardrailed) and they do their utmost to act for the benefit of all people in society. While a society based on a controlled bully (I’m reminded of early imperial Rome somewhat) is not ideal and perhaps inherently flawed, if I have to live under the rule of a bully anyway, I’d much prefer one of my own choosing with a bick stick stached away in my cupboard.
"Urbanisation is rapidly transforming landscapes worldwide, becoming a key driver of global biodiversity loss. It often impacts biodiversity negatively by creating selective environments that limit species diversity in urban compared to natural habitats. Amidst this challenge, understanding and enhancing urban blue-green infrastructure is critical".
#urbanisation #biodiversity #infrastructure
The perfect storm: why did LA’s wildfires explode out of control? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2025/jan/18/la-fires-started-conditions-drought #Californiawildfires #Climatecrisis #Urbanisation #Environment #LosAngeles #California #Wildfires #WestCoast #Housing #Cities #USnews
The perfect storm: why did LA’s wildfires explode out of control? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2025/jan/18/la-fires-started-conditions-drought #Californiawildfires #Climatecrisis #Urbanisation #Environment #LosAngeles #California #Wildfires #WestCoast #Housing #Cities #USnews
‘Everyone thought it would cause gridlock’: the highway that Seoul turned into a stream https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/jan/17/seoul-cheonggyecheon-motorway-turned-into-a-stream #Roadtransport #Citytransport #Urbanisation #Environment #AsiaPacific #SouthKorea #Worldnews #Cities
« la production de logements, en décalage avec la démographie, entraîne une consommation inutile des sols et terres agricoles et génère la production de résidences secondaires. » (c'est l'état qui le dit)
Comme à #roscoff avec la construction de 4 barres d'immeubles (en zone de protection du paysage qui plus est)
Voir aussi :
Cases of snake bites rise in NSW, with warmer weather and #urbanisation possible factors in increase https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-01-03/nsw-snake-bite-rise-expert-explains-summer-increase/104765984
#Koalas face a significant risk of #extinction within the next 50 years if urgent conservation efforts are not implemented. Their populations have seen a drastic decline due to #HabitatDestruction from #LandClearing, #Urbanisation, & #Logging, as well as the impacts of #ClimateChange, including #Bushfires, #Droughts, & #Heatwaves. Disease, such as chlamydia, & threats like vehicle collisions & predation by domestic cats also contribute to their vulnerability. (1/3)
Are foxes and pigeons the last of our wild creatures? Explore the decline of true wilderness. #Wildlife #Urbanisation #Nature #WildAnimals #Conservation #UrbanJungle #SaveNature #EcoAwareness
Écologie : Victoire à la ZAD de Donderberg
Jeudi 28 novembre, après des années de lutte pour sauver l’îlot Donderberg (Bruxelles), le projet d’urbanisation a été annulé. Pour sauver la zone, la ZAD (zone à défendre) de Donderberg avait vu le jour le 11 octobre. Le projet d’urbanisation « Hop 5 » qui comptait une école, des logements privés et des place de parking a été annulé sur le plan politique en attendant que les permis d’urbanisme soient complètement annulés. Une victoire retentissante pour cette lutte vieille de plusieurs années, mais de nombreux enjeux persistent dans la reconversion de cet espace naturel.
Lire l’article : https://bruxellesdevie.com/2024/12/05/ecologie-victoire-a-la-zad-de-donderberg/
#Urbanisation #artificialisation #Bruxelles #ZADpartout @bruxellesdevie
Du colonialisme à la « rénovation urbaine », le pouvoir des cartes
#Politique #Diaporama #Théorie #Colonialisme #Espace #France #Géographie #Lefebvre #Paris #PolitiquesUrbaines #RénovationUrbaine #Urbanisation #Ville
Inondations en Espagne : "Nous payons 150 années d’urbanisation brutale"
#UrgenceClimatique #Urbanisation #inondations #Insoumis #LFI #GiletsJaunes
Successful MSc defence by Iris Schlick-Steiner @Mol_Ecol
on how hemeroby affects genetic diversity and trophic position in arthropods
Congrats to you, MSc Iris, and thanks to examiners @birgit_sattler
and @julesibk
#biodiversity #urbanisation
Inondations en Espagne : "Nous payons 150 années d’urbanisation brutale"
#UrgenceClimatique #Urbanisation #inondations #Insoumis #LFI #GiletsJaunes
Op-Ed on off-grid sanitation challenges and invisible sanitation workers
Urban sanitation is marked by elite biases that entrench inequalities between the rich & middle classes in posh & formal localities & poor & vulnerable groups living or working in filth & squalor. This must change.
#India #Sanitation #Urbanisation #Workers #Wastewater
AVANT/APRES. #Inondations meurtrières en #Espagne : dans la région de #Valence, l' #urbanisation galopante a aggravé les #dégâts https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/espagne/inondations-meurtrieres-en-espagne/avant-apres-intemperies-meurtrieres-en-espagne-dans-la-region-de-valence-l-urbanisation-galopante-a-aggrave-les-degats_6870458.html#xtor=RSS-3-[lestitres]
En empêchant l'eau de s'infiltrer dans les sols, la bétonnisation a rendu la métropole plus vulnérable aux phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes, eux-mêmes intensifiés par le réchauffement climatique.
Fornvännen 2024:3 is out now! #OpenAccess
Texts in Swedish with English summary. Current issue includes articles and short reports on #Neolithic, #BronzeAge, #VikingAge and #Medieval #Archaeology, as well as #Urbanisation #History
Figures: Heart shaped belt accessory, Viking Age Norway; Late Bronze Age hoard, Sweden; Terrain model of Sigtuna, Viking Age/Medieval town in Sweden
Glasgow has new bike lanes. A small garden is found where there is a traffic stop.