Thought experiments that fray the fabric of space-time

Thought experiments that fray the fabric of space-time
Ping-coincidence lattice "with a twist":
a "Null-Strut Wheel".
"Can this set of causal relations (with 8-fold rotational spatial symmetry) be found in a spacetime region of Schwarzschild geometry ?"
(Enjoy it while it out-lasts the drive-by-assaulting ...)
#einstein #alberteinstein #physics #space #darkmatter #darkenergy #astronomy #galaxies #stars #spacetime #discovery #technology #science #nasa #esa #gravity #relativity #theoryofrelativity #universe #cosmos #expansion #bigbang
The article doesn’t say too much, but is it surprising to find the universe may be more complicated than we currently think it is?
Dark Energy experiment challenges Einstein's theory of Universe
Alien abduction is in this year!
Young dreamer Elio shows how anybody can wish upon a star, and end up getting slurped up into an intergalactic vortex by space monsters. 2025 Mar 19 2024 Nov 21 2023 Jun 13
#zajimavost #science #physics #astrophysics #spacetime
PBS Space Time - How Astrophysics Can (LITERALLY) Save the World
2/2…or #Spacetime if you prefer. Unfortunately they look different and possibly are from somewhere else. Also interestingly they seem to be becoming less and less reticent about demonstrating those performance capabilities to our latest detection technologies.At this point the evidence is hard to ignore. We probably don’t need a new accelerator. All of the challenges in this current situation encompass our inability to get over ourselves, literally.
#science #theoreticalphysics #physics #time #spacetime #quantummechanics #reality #quantumentanglement #space #einstein #theories #fabricofreality
Just a bit of light reading regarding time and reality. I think New Scientist covers a similar thing in this month’s issue…
`In general relativity, a white hole is a hypothetical region of spacetime and singularity that cannot be entered from the outside, although energy-matter, light and information can escape from it. In this sense, it is the reverse of a black hole, from which energy-matter, light and information cannot escape. `
…quantifies the difference between the metric of #spacetime and the metric induced by #matter fields.
…modified Einstein equations that, in the low coupling regime, i.e., low energies and small curvature, reduce to the classical equations of #generalrelativity…predicting the emergence of a small, positive cosmological constant—a value that aligns with experimental observations of the universe's accelerated expansion…
So uh I think I may have found a clue how to solve quantum gravity. Or at the very least explain what exactly causes gravity.
I need an expert on that because I sure as heck ain't one.
I coded a quick and dirty simulation of it and it actually did end up up producing the predicted result. If there's nothing that makes it inapplicable there should be some merit to it but I lack the formal education to be able to judge.
I've just viewed a lecture from Carlo Rovelli, an Italian physicist, about the theories of TIME. It was a fascinating lecture to hear. Frankly, it all made sense and I can't wait to get hold of his book :The Order of Time.
#Physics #QuantumMechanics #NewtonianSpace #QuantumGravity #Neurology #SpecialRelativity #SpaceTime #ArrowOfTime
40 #Quintillion (40 x billion x billion) Black Holes in the #Universe
#1440: #BlackHoles Explained
❛❛ #Cosmic objects so massive #light can't escape, black holes have fascinated #scientists and the general #public alike since being hypothesized by #AlbertEinstein more than a #century ago. ❜❜ 2024 Aug 26
Couchsurfing avec | Unknown Reality by Sofa Beats on #SoundCloud
FYI, partially unknown reality (dependent on a persons scientific literacy)
2 Weeks Away
2 Fridays from last night is the #TotalLunarEclipse
It's the night when #TimeTravelers are invited to make contact. You will want to suit up, wherever you are.
Official @KronoMoon #countdown #ticker:
New Maps of the Chaotic Space-Time Inside Black Holes —
#HackerNews #NewMaps #BlackHoles #SpaceTime #Chaos #ScienceNews #QuantumPhysics
Understanding #Quantum #Mechanics #3: #NonLocality
❛❛ #Quantum #Mechanics, it seems, then forces you to give up on #determinism & #locality. It is fundamentally unpredictable & #nonlocal. ❜❜ 5:00/7-min. 2020 May 29
Yes, that tends to happen when math is based on wild presumptions built on other wild presumptions.
Scientists' hypotheses are great for research but some sometimes just veer into full-on science fiction. Nice for SF buffs of course.
#SpeedOfLight #Expansion #Space #SpaceTime #WarpDrive #TimeTravel