Some thoughts on my preliminary investigation of #Omeka ( ).
Built on pretty standard #LAMP stack.
No official docker image that I could find, so of course I built my own.
Which reminded me why I HATE php.
Some light testing (running locally).
Pretty simple to use (good).
No fancy ideas about creating "presentation" versions of items, and keeping the original upload "pristine". I am of two minds on this - for now, not a problem for me, but I can see how large archives might be problematic.
For example, a MOV file needs to be presented as a MP4 for widest audience. And you probably don't want to lose the original.
With Omeka that means some manual work on the admin side.
It support plugins and themes - I'm of two minds here also. Good way
to extend functionality and allow for customization, but my experience with such things are not good ito longterm stabililty and maintenance.
I'm also not super keen on #MySQL as the db, due to recent corruptions issues with my #Nextcloud instance (moved that to #PostgreSQL ).
BUT, this will be read heavy, so maybe not an issue - hard-ish to corrupt a db by reading from it.
The useage of #DublinCore at least means (I think) in theory, if I really want, I should be able to migrate to another Dublin Core compatible system if needed. So...good.
My verdict - I'm going to play with it some more.
Install some plugins etc, see what happens.
I'm also building up a test set of assets, in case I want to eval something else.