Today is #Saturday #February 1st (the 1st day of #BlackHistoryMonth) the #Moon is in #Pisces & the current #moonphase is #WaxingCrescentMoon
I wish you all #MoonBlessings & #health & Happy #caturday
Today is #Saturday #February 1st (the 1st day of #BlackHistoryMonth) the #Moon is in #Pisces & the current #moonphase is #WaxingCrescentMoon
I wish you all #MoonBlessings & #health & Happy #caturday
Today is #Thursday January 23rd, the #Moon is in #Scorpio & the current #moonphase is #LastQuarterMoon
Today is #Monday January 13th, the #Moon in #Cancer & the current #moonphase is #FullMoon
#MoonMagic #Zen #MoonBlessings #MoonSister #MoonChild #selfcare #meditation
Today's #Friday January 3rd, the #Moon is in #Pisces & the current #moonphase is #WaxingCrescentMoon
"Pisces moon welcomes compassion, spiritual nourishment, creativity, release of old wounds" ~Moon School
Today is #Sunday December 29th, the #moon is in #Sagittarius & the current #moonphase is
#zen #selfcare #moonblessings #moonmagic #moonsister #moonchild
Today is #Thursday December 26th, the #Moon is in #Scorpio & the current #moonphase is
#WinterIsHere #Zen #selfcare #moonblessings #moonmagic #moonsister #moonchild
Today is #Saturday (#caturday) it's #December 21st (the #WinterSolstice) the #Moon is in #Virgo
& the current #moonphase is
Today is #Sunday December 15th. The #Moon is in #Cancer the current #moonphase is #FullMoon
The full moon in Cancer helps with understanding, kindness & empathy. If you've had disagreements with loved ones, now is the time to revisit the issue & work it out.
Today is #Friday December 13th, the #Moon is in #Gemini & the current #moonphase is #WaxingGibbous
Happy #FridayThe13th by the way
It's #Thursday December 5th. The #Moon is in #Aquarius & the current #moonphase is #WaxingCrescentMoon
It's the perfect time for problem solving & utilizing creative energies
It's #Tuesday Dec 3rd. The #Moon is in #Capricorn & the current #moonphase is #WaxingCrescentMoon
Time for new beginnings, letting go of that which doesn't serve us. That might feel sad but we benefit in the long run when we accept what's happening. I'm trying to take advantage of this energy in my path. No matter how hard it is or how much it hurts, it's correct.
#healing #newbeginnings #selflove #selfcare #zen #moonmagic #moonblessings #moonsister #moonchild #movingforward
Today is #Monday November 4th (the day before #electionday) The #Moon is in #Sagittarius
& The current #moonphase is #WaxingCrescentMoon
Today is #Sunday #October 27th,
the #Moon is in #Virgo the current #moonphase is #WaningCrescentMoon
#Zen #selflove #selfcare #moonblessings #moonmagic #MoonSister #moonchild
Today is #Thursday October 17th. The #Moon is in #Taurus &the current #moonphase is #FullMoon not only that but it's a #huntersmoon
#moreblessingstocome #moonblessings #moonsistet #moonchild #zen #selfcare #almosthalloween
Today is #Monday #October 7th, the #Moon is in #Sagittarius & the current #moonphase is
Today is #Wednesday #October 2nd, the #Moon is in #Libra & the current #MoonPhase is #NewMoon
#zen #MoonBlessings #MoonMagic #moonchild #moonsister #selflove #selfcare #pagan #childoflove
Today is #Monday September 9th, the
#Moon is in #Sagittarius & the current #moonphase is
#zen #selflove #selfcare #moonmagic #moonblessings #moonsister #moonchildren #moonforcast
Today the Moon is in Sagittarius, it's great for starting new plans & setting in motion any petitions for the future.
Today is #Saturday September 7th, the
#Moon is in #Scorpio & the current #moonphase is
#Zen #moonblessings #moonmagic #moonchildren #moonsister #pagan #selflove #selfcare #moonforcast
OH AND happy #Caturday
Today is #Tuesday September 3rd. The #Moon is in #Virgo & the current #moonphase is #NewMoon
#Zen #moonblessings #pagan #moonchildren #moonmagic #moonsister #selflove #selfcare #moonforcast
Today is #Sunday September 1st, the #Moon is in #Leo The current #moonphase is