Currently not looking for a comment system for my #dokuwiki installations, but I really like the name and the concept
Tesla’s Europe sales collapse as anti-Musk backlash grows – POLITICO
Several factors here, the quality of Tesla is MEH, the design now also starts to become MEH, too expensive too, and the competition in setting on with lots of new and also cheap models. Then the erratic weird and now nazi behaviour of Musk on top... well might simply be the deathblow to the brand too....
#NotNews24 | #UnbreaklingDiablo4WorldNotNews... #NotNearly24... #OftenLess... #FrequentlyFewer, with a #BiscuitsUpdate...
Have the #RacistHomophobes at #SSG complied with #EULaw, yet? #StillNope
#Meh - #NoOneCares; that's #Why #IT's #NotNews... #IT's #StillNotNews; #DefinitelyNotNews... #IT's #JustAsWell that #NoOneCares; because #Reasons and #RacistHomophobes... | #NoSurprises
#Meanwhile... #SeasonOfWitchcraft: #DayFortySix and #TheStorySoFar...
#Things are #StillReallyGood... With lots of #ShingShing, #VeryBigHammers and some #OnlineChopping... We've also got #PSiReN-#Hex with #TheRightStaff
... [The #Hashtag is #Silent]
#TheBiscuitSituation is #StillStable and #Hooray for #NotLotRO...
With a #SparklyPony... And, #FancyHats...
#IT's #HotHotHot...!
#DontForget... #DiscordIsForImbeciles
#AlsoAvailable in #PlumAndRusty
Ba eguna nahiko erdipurditxo, egia esan #meh
"He's" #TooPoor to #BecomeAnything of #Significance; because #Reasons...
#Reasons and #Incompetence...
And, #TheFediverseRemembers...
#Meh... #NoOneCares...
There will be more #CompulsoryStrikeOff #NoticeNotNews in #TheFuture; #IT's a #Prophecy...
#NotNews24 | #UnbreaklingDiablo4WorldNotNews... #NotNearly24... #OftenLess... #FrequentlyFewer, with a #BiscuitsUpdate...
Have the #RacistHomophobes at #SSG complied with #EULaw, yet? #StillNope
#Meh - #NoOneCares; that's #Why #IT's #NotNews... #IT's #StillNotNews; #DefinitelyNotNews... #IT's #JustAsWell that #NoOneCares; because #Reasons and #RacistHomophobes... | #NoSurprises
#Meanwhile... #SeasonOfWitchcraft: #DayFortyThree and #TheStorySoFar...
#Things are #StillReallyGood... With lots of #ShingShing, #VeryBigHammers and some #OnlineChopping... We've also got #PSiReN-#Hex with #TheRightStaff
... [The #Hashtag is #Silent]
#TheBiscuitSituation is #StillStable and #Hooray for #NotLotRO...
With a #SparklyPony... And, #FancyHats...
#Fancy a little #MeteorStrike or #Two...? And #MoreMeteors...
#DontForget... #DiscordIsForImbeciles
#AlsoAvailable in #PlumAndRusty
#NotNews24 | #UnbreaklingDiablo4WorldNotNews... #NotNearly24... #OftenLess... #FrequentlyFewer, with a #BiscuitsUpdate...
Have the #RacistHomophobes at #SSG complied with #EULaw, yet? #StillNope
#Meh - #NoOneCares; that's #Why #IT's #NotNews... #IT's #StillNotNews; #DefinitelyNotNews... #IT's #JustAsWell that #NoOneCares; because #Reasons and #RacistHomophobes... | #NoSurprises
#Meanwhile... #SeasonOfWitchcraft: #DayFortyTwo and #TheStorySoFar...
#Things are #StillReallyGood... With lots of #ShingShing, #VeryBigHammers and some #OnlineChopping... We've also got #PSiReN-#Hex with #TheRightStaff
... [The #Hashtag is #Silent]
#TheBiscuitSituation is #StillStable and #Hooray for #NotLotRO...
With a #SparklyPony... And, #FancyHats...
#BTW: #IF you don't want to go #FullOnPyromaniac; there are #CareerOptions... You can #Always be #TheNecromancer...
With a #SparklyPony...
Or, #BeAWerewolf... #BeAwareWolf...
#DontForget... #DiscordIsForImbeciles
#AlsoAvailable in #PlumAndRusty
#NotNews24 | #UnbreaklingDiablo4WorldNotNews... #NotNearly24... #OftenLess... #FrequentlyFewer, with an #IT's #TheWeekend #BiscuitUpdate...
Have the #RacistHomophobes at #SSG complied with #EULaw, yet? #StillNope
#Meh - #NoOneCares; that's #Why #IT's #NotNews... #IT's #StillNotNews; #DefinitelyNotNews... #IT's #JustAsWell that #NoOneCares; because #Reasons and #RacistHomophobes... | #NoSurprises
#Meanwhile... #SeasonOfWitchcraft: #DayFortyOne and #SeasonsGreetings #GoblinCrushingSeason...! #IT's been a #GoblinMassacre...
#Things are #StillReallyGood... With lots of #ShingShing, #VeryBigHammers and some #OnlineChopping... We've also got #PSiReN-#Hex with #TheRightStaff
... [The #Hashtag is #Silent]
#TheBiscuitSituation is #StillStable and #Hooray for #NotLotRO...
With a #SparklyPony... And, #FancyHats...
Do we #KnowAnyone with an #Antonov: #AN225...? #TotallySupported by #DolbyProLogicIIx because #EverythingIsBetter with an "X" on #IT... With #FancyHats and #TheRightStaff...
#DontForget... #DiscordIsForImbeciles
#IF you #LikedIT then you should have put #SomeWings on #IT...
#AlsoAvailable in #PlumAndRusty
#NotNews24 | #UnbreaklingDiablo4WorldNotNews... #NotNearly24... #OftenLess... #FrequentlyFewer, with an #IT's #TheWeekend #BiscuitUpdate...
Have the #RacistHomophobes at #SSG complied with #EULaw, yet? #StillNope
#Meh - #NoOneCares; that's #Why #IT's #NotNews... #IT's #StillNotNews; #DefinitelyNotNews... #IT's #JustAsWell that #NoOneCares; because #Reasons and #RacistHomophobes...
#Meanwhile... #SeasonOfWitchcraft: #DayForty and #SeasonsGreetings #GoblinCrushingSeason...! #IT's been a #GoblinMassacre...
#Things are #StillReallyGood... With lots of #ShingShing, #VeryBigHammers and some #OnlineChopping... We've also got #PSiReN-#Hex with #TheRightStaff
... [The #Hashtag is #Silent]
#TheBiscuitSituation is #StillStable and #Hooray for #NotLotRO...
With a #SparklyPony... And, #FancyHats...
Do we #KnowAnyone with an #Antonov: #AN225...? #TotallySupported by #DolbyProLogicIIx because #EverythingIsBetter with an "X" on #IT... With #FancyHats and #TheRightStaff...
#DontForget... #DiscordIsForImbeciles
#IF you #LikedIT then you should have put #SomeWings on #IT...
#AlsoAvailable in #PlumAndRusty
#NotNews24 | #UnbreaklingDiablo4WorldNotNews... #NotNearly24... #OftenLess... #FrequentlyFewer, with an #IT's #TheWeekend #BiscuitUpdate...
Have the #RacistHomophobes at #SSG complied with #EULaw, yet? #StillNope
#Meh - #NoOneCares; that's #Why #IT's #NotNews... #IT's #StillNotNews; #DefinitelyNotNews... #IT's #JustAsWell that #NoOneCares; because #Reasons and #RacistHomophobes...
#Meanwhile... #SeasonOfWitchcraft: #DayThirtyNine and #SeasonsGreetings #GoblinCrushingSeason...! #IT's been a #GoblinMassacre...
#Things are #StillReallyGood... With lots of #ShingShing, #VeryBigHammers and some #OnlineChopping... We've also got #PSiReN-#Hex with #TheRightStaff
... [The #Hashtag is #Silent]
#TheBiscuitSituation is #StillStable and #Hooray for #NotLotRO...
With a #SparklyPony... And, #FancyHats...
Do we #KnowAnyone with an #Antonov: #AN225...? #TotallySupported by #DolbyProLogicIIx because #EverythingIsBetter with an "X" on #IT... With #FancyHats and #TheRightStaff...
#DontForget... #DiscordIsForImbeciles
#Meh... #Things we can #Learn to #LiveWithout...
#JackDaniels and the #AngryOrangeWotsit, and #SpaceKarenX...
Las autocaravanas invaden Alicante para enfado de los vecinos: "Esto es un chollo"
#NotNews24 | #UnbreaklingDiablo4WorldNotNews... #NotNearly24... #OftenLess... #FrequentlyFewer, with a #LateNightBiscuitUpdate...
Have the #RacistHomophobes at #SSG complied with #EULaw, yet? #StillNope
#Meh - #NoOneCares; that's #Why #IT's #NotNews... #IT's #StillNotNews; #DefinitelyNotNews... #IT's #JustAsWell that #NoOneCares; because #Reasons and #RacistHomophobes...
#Meanwhile... #SeasonOfWitchcraft: #DayThirtyEight and #SeasonsGreetings #GoblinCrushingSeason...! #IT's been a #GoblinMassacre...
#Things are #StillReallyGood... With lots of #ShingShing, #VeryBigHammers and some #OnlineChopping... We've also got #PSiReN-#Hex with #TheRightStaff
... [The #Hashtag is #Silent]
#TheBiscuitSituation is #StillStable and #Hooray for #NotLotRO...
With a #SparklyPony... And, #FancyHats...
#BTW: #IF you don't want to go #FullOnPyromaniac; there are #CareerOptions... You can #Always be #TheNecromancer...
With a #SparklyPony...
Or, #BeAWerewolf... #BeAwareWolf...
#DontForget... #DiscordIsForImbeciles
#ForTheNumbers...! #AlsoAvailable in #PlumAndRusty...
#NotNews24 | #UnbreaklingDiablo4WorldNotNews... #NotNearly24... #OftenLess... #FrequentlyFewer, with #Biscuits, and an #Update...
Have the #RacistHomophobes at #SSG complied with #EULaw, yet? #StillNope
#Meh - #NoOneCares; that's #Why #IT's #NotNews... #IT's #StillNotNews; #DefinitelyNotNews... #IT's #JustAsWell that #NoOneCares; because #Reasons and #RacistHomophobes...
#Meanwhile... #SeasonOfWitchcraft: #DayThirtySeven and #SeasonsGreetings #GoblinCrushingSeason...!
#Things are #StillReallyGood... With lots of #ShingShing, #VeryBigHammers and some #OnlineChopping... We've also got #PSiReN-#Hex with #TheRightStaff
... [The #Hashtag is #Silent]
#TheBiscuitSituation is #StillStable and #Hooray for #NotLotRO...
With a #SparklyPony... And, #FancyHats...
#BTW: #IF you don't want to go #FullOnPyromaniac; there are #CareerOptions... You can #Always be #TheNecromancer...
With a #SparklyPony...
Or, #BeAWerewolf... #BeAwareWolf...
#DontForget... #DiscordIsForImbeciles
#NotNews24 | #UnbreaklingDiablo4WorldNotNews... #NotNearly24... #OftenLess... #FrequentlyFewer, with #Biscuits, and an #Update...
Have the #RacistHomophobes at #SSG complied with #EULaw, yet? #StillNope
#Meh - #NoOneCares; that's #Why #IT's #NotNews... #IT's #StillNotNews; #DefinitelyNotNews... #IT's #JustAsWell that #NoOneCares; because #Reasons and #RacistHomophobes...
#Meanwhile... #SeasonOfWitchcraft: #DayThirtySix and #Still #StuffToDo...
#Things are #StillReallyGood... With lots of #ShingShing, #VeryBigHammers and some #OnlineChopping... We've also got #PSiReN-#Hex with #TheRightStaff
... [The #Hashtag is #Silent]
#TheBiscuitSituation is #StillStable (#MyLittleBigBuddy has #JustGone to #DoubleCheck) and #Hooray for #NotLotRO...
We've eaten #AllTheCrumble; but, we have #ChristmasChocolates, even though #IT's #NotChristmas and #ChristmasIsBullcrap...
With a #SparklyPony... And, #FancyHats...
#DontForget... #DiscordIsForImbeciles
Ich teile das zu wenig...heute backe ich wieder mal Brot, weil mir die Energie fehlt mit der U-Bahn in die Stadt zu fahren und Brot zu holen. Auch so ein Widerspruch an sich, aber es ist wirklich ein Unterschied ob ich drei Zutaten zusammenklatsche und die Hefe arbeiten lasse oder halt mich mit der Stadt
auseinandersetze. Auch wenn's aussieht wie ein Keks.... #zoliakie #glutenfree #meh
#NotNews24 | #UnbreaklingDiablo4WorldNotNews... #NotNearly24... #OftenLess... #FrequentlyFewer, with #Biscuits, and an #Update...
Have the #RacistHomophobes at #SSG complied with #EULaw, yet? #StillNope
#Meh - #NoOneCares; that's #Why #IT's #NotNews... #IT's #StillNotNews; #DefinitelyNotNews... #IT's #JustAsWell that #NoOneCares; because #Reasons and #RacistHomophobes...
#Meanwhile... #SeasonOfWitchcraft: #DayThirtyFive and #Still #StuffToDo...
#Things are #StillReallyGood... With lots of #ShingShing, #VeryBigHammers and some #OnlineChopping... We've also got #PSiReN-#Hex with #TheRightStaff
... [The #Hashtag is #Silent]
#TheBiscuitSituation is #StillStable and #Hooray for #NotLotRO...
With a #SparklyPony... And, #FancyHats...
#DontForget... #DiscordIsForImbeciles
#NotNews24 | #UnbreaklingDiablo4WorldNotNews... #NotNearly24... #OftenLess... #FrequentlyFewer, with #Biscuits, and an #Update...
Have the #RacistHomophobes at #SSG complied with #EULaw, yet? #StillNope
#Meh - #NoOneCares; that's #Why #IT's #NotNews... #IT's #StillNotNews; #DefinitelyNotNews... #IT's #JustAsWell that #NoOneCares; because #Reasons and #RacistHomophobes...
#Meanwhile... #SeasonOfWitchcraft: #DayThirtyFour and #Still #StuffToDo...
#Things are #StillReallyGood... With lots of #ShingShing, #VeryBigHammers and some #OnlineChopping... We've also got #PSiReN-#Hex with #TheRightStaff
... [The #Hashtag is #Silent]
#TheBiscuitSituation is #StillStable and #Hooray for #NotLotRO...
With a #SparklyPony... And, #FancyHats...
#TheFuture is #Bright; there is a #Crumble in #IT with:
• #BelgianPears; and,
• #Raspberries...!
#NeverUnderEstimate #ThePower of #IceCream
#DontForget... #DiscordIsForImbeciles