Pikes Hills & Valleys Riesling 2023 https://www.diningandcooking.com/1967811/pikes-hills-valleys-riesling-2023/ #AfterHours #AustralianWine #Masters #Riesling #Wine #WineOfTheWeek
Pikes Hills & Valleys Riesling 2023 https://www.diningandcooking.com/1967811/pikes-hills-valleys-riesling-2023/ #AfterHours #AustralianWine #Masters #Riesling #Wine #WineOfTheWeek
[07:49] McIlroy's latest approach in search of Masters glory
If Rory McIlroy was hoping to fly under the radar heading into the Masters next month, as has been the case before, he possibly should not have won twice on two of the most iconic courses in the USA in the weeks before heading down Magnolia Lane.
#RoryMcIlroy #Masters #nextmonth #two #USA #theweeks #MagnoliaLane
The #TrumpSlump accelerates into a full blown #MarketPanic.
5 weeks of non-stop losses with 7-8 trillion in lost market value: Time for his #WallSt #masters to grow a pair and tell him to either knock it off, #resign, or be #impeached
https://www.europesays.com/1899442/ Latvijas Florbola savienība » LV » 1993/1994 » Jaunumi » “FS Masters/Ulbroka” uzvar “Rubeni” #1993 #četriem #Jaunumi #kovaļevskis #latvia #Latvija #LV #masters/ulbroka #roberts #rolands #trofimenko #vārtu
"In her preface #Hite argued that the canonical sexological works of the past 100 years – including the works of Sigmund #Freud, Alfred #Kinsey, and William #Masters and Virginia #Johnson – had constructed #femalesexuality “as essentially a response to male #sexuality and intercourse”. She set out to demonstrate that “female sexuality might have a complex nature of its own”.
Hite argued #sex was a #culturalinstitution, not a biological one. Historically, men had defined sex in terms of their own needs and preferences, then mandated their preferences as biological."
Match finito. Il bello di giocare con i Cavalieri dello zodiaco è che l'armatura completamente smontabile e il personaggio interamente snodabile ti permettevano di creare mille situazioni. Tutte catastrofiche. Quindi contro He-Man il Toro era destinato a perdere male per KO (con citazione cromatica di Street Fighter II).
https://www.europesays.com/1888936/ Beyond Case Studies: Gies MSM Students Tackle Real Business Challenges #america #BeyondCaseStudies:GiesMSMStudentsTackleRealBusinessChallenges #business #Gies #GiesMSM #GiesMSMStudents #masters #MastersInManagement #msm #MSMStudents #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USA
#Évaluation des #licences et #masters : « C’est une #attaque #politique contre l’ #université de #masse », dénonce le #chercheur Stéphane Bonnéry
Revolut°Permanente Casse de l'université : un rapport menace de suppressions des licences et masters dans les quartiers populaires: Dans son dernier rapport, le Haut conseil de l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement…
RP #Éducation #Universités #RéformeUniversitaire #Licences #Masters
Casse de l'université : un rap...
Revolut°Permanente Casse de l'université : un rapport menace de suppressions des licences et masters dans les quartiers populaires: Dans son dernier rapport, le Haut conseil de l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur (HCERES) met en cause le fonctionnement de nombreuses licences et masters d'universités de zones populaires. Un discours qui menace des suppressions de filières et la… https://www.revolutionpermanente.fr/Casse-de-l-universite-un-rapport-menace-de-suppressions-des-licences-et-masters-dans-les-quartiers?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
RP #Éducation #Universités #RéformeUniversitaire #Licences #Masters
Kraftwerk is the Master in synth music
Album Electric Cafe
Timeline 70's
Tech Analog
Lathe AD/DA
#NowPlaying #Kraftwerk #AlbumOfTheDay #70s
#Music #Synth #Pioneers #Masters #Audio