Lana Turner (1921 – 1995) American actress
#oldhollywood #LanaTurner
Lana Turner (1921 – 1995) American actress
#oldhollywood #LanaTurner
Remembering #LanaTurner (1921-1995) on her birthday in a movie with Glynis Johns in Another Time, Another Place (1958)... with both loving a Sean Connery character....
This week’s #NoirAlley leading ladies are Lana Turner and Audrey Totter (both pictured with John Garfield)
#TCMParty #ThePostmanAlwaysRingsTwice #LanaTurner #AudreyTotter #FilmNoir #DarknessAtNoon
Il 2 maggio del 1946 uscì nelle sale americane The Postman Always Rings Twice ovvero Il postino suona sempre due volte con John Garfield e Lana Turner.
Autore non identificato - "L'ora scarlatta" di Michael Curtiz,
#Autore #MichaelCurtiz #TheScarletLetter #JohnGarfield #LanaTurner #photography #Italian #Cinema
"In three major films ... Lana Turner proved that she was more than just a classic Hollywood exemplar of what hype and glamour can do," film writer and author Dan Callahan says in his Substack, Stolen Holiday. Here's his tribute to the actress, who died 29 years ago.
#Hollywood #OldHollywood #Cinema #Movies #Entertainment #Film #LanaTurner
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Lana Turner e Johnny Stompanato: dalla Golden Age di Hollywood un noir che supera ogni sceneggiatura
L’ha ucciso lei o la figlia?
#boomerissimo #lanaturner #truecrime #oldhollywood #Unocinema
3 things about Michael Gordon’s PORTRAIT IN BLACK [1960]
1. Lots and lots of hand-kissing.
2. Beaded rainwater on the hood of the car.
3. “I’ve got to make her understand!”
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Sofia Coppola Sanitizes Elvis’ Cruelty Towards His Young Bride in ‘Priscilla’ #Jezebel #personalrelationshipsofelvispresley #culturaldepictionsofelvispresley #entertainmentculture #newyorkfilmfestival #venicefilmfestival #priscillapresley #sofiacoppola #elvispresley #nancysinatra #thebeguiled #bazluhrmann #elvisandme #lanaturner #annmargret #priscilla #coppola #elvis #jacob
John Shelton and Lana Turner in “We Who Are Young” (1940), a story about the economic and psychological travails of a young couple during the Depression, scripted by Dalton Trumbo.
Shelton’s character can be on the annoying and violently self-righteous side. The movie unfortunately mostly shelves Turner in the last half and lets Shelton dominate.
3 things about Michael Gordon’s PORTRAIT IN BLACK
1. Wiping the sweat off his face with the surgical mask.
2. The Hippocratic Oath haunts him all over town.
3. Department store shopping in turban and furs.
Lana Turner (1921 - 1995) American actress
#LanaTurner #oldhollywood
Lana Turner was an American actress
#LanaTurner #oldhollywood
February 1st- Car Accident
The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946)
Directed by Tay Garnett
Car accidents play a major role in the plot of this noir classic. One is staged. One is not.
In the latter, Frank (John Garfield) loses control of the car he is driving. He is not hurt, but Cora (Lana Turner) is killed.
I had a go at colorizing a photo I use to promote Smooth Jazz Sunday, so I thought I'd share it here. Turns out it's a still from the 1940 movie "Two Girls on Broadway" with Joan Blondell & Lana Turner