And I thought I was supposed to be flying home to Frankfurt this evening, not Lapland
As seen on the door to my Finnair flight
And I thought I was supposed to be flying home to Frankfurt this evening, not Lapland
As seen on the door to my Finnair flight
A new jazz piano interpretation of Jingle Bells - hear the whole piece and download it free below... Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!
Would you believe "Jingle Bells" wasn't originally conceived as a Christmas song?
Snopes explains the original intent of the song, written in the 1850s:
Merry Christmas to all!
soft night descending - catherine hyde
I sometimes see owls on my way home at night. They're silent, and fairly large, I always think that something like a holy spirit has gifted me with its presence, that I have been allowed to witness secret night magic.
This is a vaguely Xmas Eve image? When I was a kid, this night was magical. It's intense to be a kid in a churchy family around Christmas. I was a believer
Some Christmas traditions can be traced back centuries. Others come from families with stories attached. This one is entirely mine. It started many years ago, when I first heard this, and it's continued ever since. Here, then, is the original Jingle Bells. If you think you know this song, you're probably wrong, especially the chorus! Have fun, and happy Christmas! I hope your driving experience is better than that of this poor man. haha…
♩♪♬ ...jingle all the way...♪♩♪
vielleicht sehen meine Geschenke nicht soooo akkurat aus - aber sie sind mit Liebe gepackt! Liebe und Klebestreifen - und ein paar kleiner Anhänger!
Frohe (vor-) Weihnachtszeit
Seven years ago, my friend Cam told me that a jingle bell rhythm track makes any song a Christmas song. So, here once again, is my holiday remix of Ozzy's "Crazy Train"!
#Christmas #JingleBells #CrazyTrain #Ozzy #SantaOzzy
For those of you who already had enough of all the #JingleBells, #WhiteChristmas and #LastChristmas, here's a good one:
Over several decades, the Prague Madrigal Singers collected #Christmas carols from all over Europe. I know these since my childhood, and still enjoy playing them every year.
I F*CKING LOVE THIS THING. #FaunaSL #SecondLife #Abranimations #Christmas #JingleBells
A #haiku must follow a 5-7-5 meter, include a reference to the season (季語 kigo), and deal with a particular observation or insight. Thus, to my chagrin, this is technically a haiku:
Dashing through the snow
In a one-horse open sleigh
Jingle all the way
Letra da música “Jingle Bells” de Natal
#Natal #JingleBells
Jingle Frog....Not everyone likes words on their art. Since I create the art first, I've decided to list them "as is" too. Hope you enjoy!
#happybirthday @ijasonalexander #jasonalexander #actor #kurros #startrek #voyager #thinktank #DoctorNoum #startrekprodigy #seinfeld #prettywoman #leo #coneheads #drunkhistory #thehunchbackofnotredame #friends #jinglebells #youngsheldon #harleyquinn #TheConners #RockPaperScissors #startrek58 @trekcore
Veja a letra da música “Jingle Bells” de Natal
#Natal #JingleBells
Letra da música “Jingle Bells” de Natal
#Natal #JingleBells