I'd post this later if Mastodon (with the web app) let you schedule posts.
#blogging #blogpost #blog #indieweb #personalwebsite #bedtime
Looking for creative use of CSS and HTML for a menu
Boosts welcomed!
@jeromyokc I've been enjoying this one: https://shellsharks.com/feeds/scroll-feed.xml
Content is mostly #fediverse #indieweb #infosec
Also, I had no idea #freshrss had a public facing mode. Guess I need to poke around my instance some more.
Is anyone working on some kind of "web of trust" system for the indie web? Some kind of way to promote high quality sites you like and blacklist sites that are AI spam or SEO garbage.
New search engines are one step, but it would be cool if we could crowdsource good/bad site recommendations then use that to improve finding new sites. Also a way to discourage bad actors and make others aware of it.
Esse site pessoal é um "joguinho" em pixel art em perspectiva isométrica.
I wrote a blog post yesterday, but forgot to share it.
#blogging #indieweb
Mor Renklerin Kodları ve Anlamları
Mor Renklerin kodlarının bir araya getirildiği listedir, Mor Renklerin kategorilere göre sınıflandırılmış renklerin bir derlemesidir.
The Cardinal At My Window | And So It Goes…
I love my local library
A couple of weeks ago I finally started my membership at the local library (@stbibkoeln) and now I wonder: Why didn´t I do that 12 years ago when I moved to Cologne? I really love the priniciple of renting over buying – libraries feel like the perfect embodiment of that sharing economy. So it was about time. Since I started my membership I already borrowed a variety of stuff: A Steeldrum A Korg Volca Synthesizer - which I totally love 5 Books - I am reading more […]Kan Kırmızısı (Güvenli Hex3) Renk Kodu ve Anlamı
Kan Kırmızısı (Güvenli Hex3) renk kodlarına (HEX, RGB, HSL, CMYK) sayfamıdan ulaşabilirsiniz. Kan Kırmızısı (Güvenli Hex3) renk kodunun Türkçe ismi ve anlamına yer verilmektedir.
How to get my blog updates in a feed that contains only what you want to see.
1) get a free RSS reader app. If you're on iOS, NetNewsWire and feeeed is good. on Android, feeder. On desktop; Lifrea or Fluent (there are many others).
2) copy paste this link:
3) Click "new" and paste it in your RSS reader.
4) you now receive a link to my blog posts with a short preview of what it's about, and a link to the full post.
Sevimli Eş Anlamı
Sevimli Sevimli kelimesinin eş anlamlısı nedir? Aynı anlama gelen, birbirlerini birebir karşılayabilen ve birbirlerinin yerine kullanılabilen kelimeler nelerdir?
Kırgızistan Yaşam Maliyetleri 2025
Kırgızistan yaşam maliyetleri, 2025 yılında konut fiyatlarından sağlık hizmetlerinin kalitesine, ulaşım olanaklarından pek çok yaşam kalitesi verisine kadar geniş bir yelpazeyi kapsıyor.
I tried to summarize some of my Recurse Center activities for the last 12 weeks in a blog post and still probably forgot some stuff because it was jam packed with amazing people, pairing, projects, and study groups.
tl;dr - I did lots of stuff, really enjoyed my time, and plan to continue learning and growing
Have YOU ever wanted to escape reality by living in a GINORMOUS rustic mountainside inn inhabited by literal #Pokémon????? Well NOW you CAN!!!!!!!!!!
Isn’t that a game?
As children, we were thrilled when we first got a computer—a 286 MHz model, if I remember correctly. I knew that computer games existed, but I had no idea what they actually looked like. One of the programs I enjoyed was an IBM typing practice tool designed to teach 10 finger typing. My sister and I played it frequently, convinced it was a fun computer game. Thanks to that experience, I can now type with all ten fingers! Would I still have loved it, when I knew it was primarily an […] Emoji Anlamı
Uçak () emojisi hakkında WhatsApp, Instagram, Discord platformlarında nasıl göründüğünü, Türkçe anlamını ve Unicode bilgilerini burada bulabilirsiniz.