This is straight up Nazi propaganda (newer version). Propaganda for the ruling class goons of Europe (created ton influence peasant population of Europe).
Whole video is about what a great killing machine Europe is
As to history of Europe (and its descendant regimes), all around the world, both the past & the present (Palestinian genocide, Lebanon subjugation, Destruction & robbing of Syria, Imperialism in Africa & many other places), all one can find is mountains of crimes & dead bodies, in most places genocidal crimes & organised looting.
Atleast they titled the video correctly. Its a fortress for Capitalist & Imperialist terror.
Because your societies looted from all around the world, then built walls (so called "borders") while the robbing continued & to discourage those desperate people who flee the exploitation you do in rest of the world, you drown them in the sea (while aiding genocides, installing/protecting dictatorships, keep societies of slaves that can be easily be exploited in the 3rd world, …), you definitely need to have a fortress to keep us browns & blacks out.
Watch the video on mute & focus on visuals instead of subtitles to get the substantive message of this propaganda video.
PS: I dont know much about those tiki torches in this video, but they definitely trigger some not so pleasant images from recent past.
@palestine @lebanon @iran @israel @syria #israel #palestine #gaza #lebanon #iran #syria #anarchy #anarchism