The 2024-25 Project FeederWatch season is just around the corner!
Help advance bird conservation by counting them! Register today at
PFW is delivered by Birds Canada and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. it is, made possible with support from
Wild Birds Unlimited
#birds #feeders #gardens #Canada
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Fyllda ägg från Ghana, kosua ne meko - #Feeders
> Kosua ne meko, fyllda ägg med chili, är billig och enkel gatumat från Ghana. Perfekt som snacks, mellanmål eller utflyktsmat.
@Jgbird If you have #Hummingbird #feeders, remember to regularly thaw and warm them so the birds can eat.
Temperature ranges are 10F-25F here in #Seattle until Tuesday.
Haven’t seen one of these guys for a few months - a #male #blackcap waiting his turn on the #feeders at #WWTCastleEspie this morning.
#nature #naturephotography #wildlife #bird #birds #warbler #CountyDown #NorthernIreland @RSPB #WWT
Yay! Just had the gold finches back on the feeders!
I had to take the bird #feeders down because our New England "summer" of deluges and occasional sun caused mold. They'll be washed again - they do get washed twice a week - then treated with dilute bleach and kept down a few days to avoid a gathering place in case they've already caused any illness. However the small #birds of my yard don't accept the "it's for your own good" logic of this and are giving me so much feathery guilt…
New NIOO publication: Winter food selection and exploratory behavior vary with natal territory characteristics in wild great tits. #habitatvariability #feeders #exploratorybehavior #parusmajor
One reason I feed #birds year round is because I love to watch them bring their #fledglings to the #feeders. Here's a male #redbelliedwoodpecker feeding his baby boy on a tree next to the feeder. And a female #downywoodpecker feeding her baby boy, and then a picture of the baby having a go at the feeder himself. And finally, a female #pileatedwoodpecker who brought her boy and girl to the feeder and fed them on the deck railing. #birding #birdsofmastodon #nature #photography
I have a #Bluejay that lives near my house. I have named him #Biff because he is a bully.
He likes to land on a branch, just east of my yard, then imitate the call of a #hawk, so all the #birds at my #feeders take cover. Then he flies in and takes what he wants...
or at least he tries. Most of my seed feeders are anti-#squirrel, and Biff is heavy enough to activate them. When he finds that he can't get the seeds, he throws a tantrum, then leaves.
He always comes back though.
@FriedavanderSar @Vera32 Ah! Now there’s a clever solution to those nasty #plastic #net #feeders
The #BC #SPCA is asking people to take down their #bird #feeders as #highly #pathogenic #avian #influenza A(#H5N1) is spreading through bird populations in much of the province.
News story:
#Canadian government information:
Annual winter reminder that those flocks of #sparrows that descend upon your #feeders like this are actually #RedWingedBlackbirds.
#birding #ornithology Flock of #tinosaurs!
Busy morning at the feeders in New Orleans.
När ni lagar #rödvinssås, hur arbetar ni med smaknoterna när ni ska servera det till lamm? Tänker ni annorlunda än när ni serverar till nöt?
Jag lagar väldigt ofta till nöt, men sällan till lamm och funderar lite på hur jag ska tänka… Rent spontant tänker jag att lägga mer fokus på timjan och vitlök?
Kanske #feeders kan hjälpa mig?
#mat #foodofmastodon