art from The Incredible Hulk: Future Imperfect by George Perez (1992)
art from The Incredible Hulk: Future Imperfect by George Perez (1992)
"Jesus and the Apostle Riders"
Please see my new art series & reels:
Art series (15 original pieces);
All original artwork.
... the squirming mire ... #squirmboy #illustration #animation #goth #gothic #comicbook #animate #horror #weirdcore #creepy
Every single frame is one little step closer to make #theFisher comicbook happen.
Now does anyone know any publisher that could be interested?
Prometheus has long been a symbol of rebellion, and thus has inspired countless retellings and reworkings. In his new graphic novel "Tongues," author / artist Anders Nilsen is putting his own spin on this Greek myth. To find out how, check out this exclusive interview.
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#AndersNilsen #AndersNilsenInterview #AndersNilsenTongues #AndersNilsenTonguesInterview #ComicBook #GraphicNovel #Prometheus
Just realized that I hadn't shared this video about our Kickstarter here on Facebook yet. Please come look at our Kickstarter page! (Have you noticed that if you donate on the top reward tier, Lucha Comics will make a comic issue based on your concept and script? It's true!)
#comicbookscript #script #comicbook
#graphicnovel #art #writing #comics #Kickstarter #Crowdfunding
WANT SOMEONE TO MAKE A COMIC FOR YOU? Do you have a comic book script for a first issue but you don't know what to do next? Look at the top-tier reward (Canadian dollars listed first, then US dollars) here!
All of them're different sizes, they were made by my local artist friends Lek, Kib, Kriangsak, & myself Contact me if you see one below that you like & want to inquire about, I'd love to find homes for some of these!
This is Waffles, he works a desk job at a paper company, where he punches 1’s and 0’s into a computer 8 hours a day. He’s not fond of the job, but it pays the bills.
I know he has seen many of his doodles come off the page, but I felt something seeing Dave Gibbons and Pat Mills see their oneshot #ComicBook villain creation the #Meep be brought to life after getting fangirled on by the man himself #DoctorWho
If, like me, you always need Jay & Silent Bob in your life, then hit your local #comicbook shop on July 9th to pick up Kevin Smith Presents: Archie Meets Jay & Silent Bob #1. Yes. Another epic crossover. #books #comics #ViewAskew