In the following article I share what I learned on adding Jujutsu version control support to Xcode projects:
In the following article I share what I learned on adding Jujutsu version control support to Xcode projects:
Hot take: Apple should not be allowed to ship any new sample code:
• Unless it is 100% “Strict Concurrency Checking == Complete” compliant (no warnings or errors).
• Unless it comes with unit tests (or, failing that, at least UI tests) providing 100% code coverage.
Further, they should be required to embark on retrofitting all of their prior sample code (for systems still active) to be compliant with the above.
#AppleDev #iOSDev #macOSDev #WWDC #Xcode
I noticed yesterday that new #Xcode projects now use folders instead of groups. From the release notes, looks like that was part of Xcode 16. I guess I haven't noticed because I didn't create a new project since Xcode 16 came out?
It's very strange to not have control over the sort order anymore.
Nachtrag: Auch #Xcode 16.3 #Release #Candidate veröffentlicht!
S4E5: @mikaelacaron and @twostraws talk networking – mostly about getting computers to talk to each other, but also, just as dauntingly, about talking to other humans at conferences too.
Plus: news, Apple delays, and the trifling little matter of the major changes you’re hoping to see in #Xcode, #SwiftUI, #SwiftData and more as #WWDC25 rolls around!
Apple M3 UltraのXcodeベンチマークスコアは16コアCPUのM4 Maxを上回り、Apple Silicon史上最速に。
Dear #Xcode:
1. Yes, I told you to open double-clicked files in a new window
2. No, if the click brought the window to front and you did not adjust the selection and show the file in the current window, then the second click I do (which selects the item) is just that, a click to select it and show it in my window, *not* a double-click. You can't ignore the front click and count it towards a double click at the same time.
#xcode busy indicator should be a coffee cup, like go make one, this is going to take a while
Swift Assist: Apple's AI tool for programming is still missing today
It is not only the more personal Siri with AI that has not yet been delivered. There is also still no sign of a developer tool that Apple has been touting.
Swift Assist: Apples KI-Tool fürs Programmieren fehlt bis heute
Nicht nur die persönlichere Siri mit KI wurde bislang nicht abgeliefert. Auch von einem von Apple angepriesenen Entwicklerwerkzeug fehlt bis heute jede Spur.
Auch wenn es mich selbst schon nervt, ich muss euch nochmal belaestigen...
Ich suche ab sofort einen neuen Job als #iOS und/oder #macOS Software-Entwickler. Ich hab viele Jahre Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet, kenne #ObjectiveC, #Swift, #SwiftUI, #Git, #Xcode und... naja, die ganze Toolchain drumherum eben.
Ich suche eine Remote-Only Festanstellung, keinen Freelance-Job (Vorzugsweise in Österreich, Deutschland geht aber auch). Wenn es in der Naehe von #Bregenz oder #Dornbirn ist, dann auch gerne Onsite.
Wenn ihr jemanden kennt, der jemanden kennt... ihr wisst schon.
Ich danke euch fuers rege Teilen/Boosten.
After a good night sleep and lot's of coffee I figured out that I had to specify the icon for iOS simulator as well as iOS. #Xcode
I created a very simple TvOS app that works fine. But when I decided to add iPad as a destination, #Xcode gives me a big nope when I try to build.
Any suggestions?
The Xcode release notes say you can zoom Instruments's flame graph to show lower weighted functions. How do you zoom the flame graph?
The zoom functions in the View menu zoom the graph in the timeline pane, not the flame graph.