To me it seemed to be an unusual kDrama venture into Monty-Pythonesque humor (which I loved), so I really enjoyed the show.
To me it seemed to be an unusual kDrama venture into Monty-Pythonesque humor (which I loved), so I really enjoyed the show.
Finished #WhenTheStarsGossip tonight. Once they got back to earth, it all fell apart, and I lost interest, making the last episodes a trudge for me. It was a lot of arguing that I didn’t care about. I lost empathy for the characters, and got bored. #KDrama
That's cool! I kept wondering how they did that.
I am so disappointed by its rating on MDL - only a 6.6. IMHO, it was so good. I mean hilarious & crazy (mice & fruit flies), but even those bits tied beautifully into the theme, with such deep messages. There's a lot more to it than it seems.
@RomanticIsa Yeah, the science certainly wasn't sciencing. I was intrigued, however, by how they simulated the zero gravity for filming. I found this clip of them using giant arms, wires, and green screened out people to manage all this. It looks like so much fun, but I am sure got exhausting at times. (This is a short behind the scenes clip with no spoilers)
My sister and I are watching When The Stars Gossip together and I’m really liking it despite the blatant disregard for any science. We have made it a rule that we can’t point out anymore the things that don’t make any sense, because every episode we said “that would so not be possible,” with lengthy explanations as to why not . Now we’re just turning our brains off and enjoying the ride.
#kdrama #LeeMinHo #이민호 #WhenTheStarsGossip
I can't wait to write up my review for this one - it's crazy & wild & there is some iffy science, but for me it really brought about some deep thinking.
One of those that mixes humor & silliness with the problems of humanity. Very well written!
I saw lots of criticism about When The Stars Gossip, but I’ve really enjoyed the first three episodes. No, the science isn’t particularly sciency, but the first 10 minutes of the first episode made it clear to me this was not a show taking itself too seriously - they are not trying to be a hard sci-fi.
Anyway, I’m enjoying it for now - will report back when I’ve finished it.
I just finished When the Stars Gossip. This was a good one and very different to any others I’ve seen . The last episode was sad at times and I’d have liked them to have completed the story more though. #WhenTheStarsGossip #KDrama
When the Stars Gossip is like a train wreck I can't look away. Technically it is first class. The sets are excellent, it is well shot, effects are good for a TV show, it has great actors. But the writing is just scientifically and dramatically awful. The actions of the characters make as little sense as the physics on the space station.
Ooooh, I will be able to binge #WhenTheStarsGossip and finally catch up! Today is totally looking up!
Why is this soundtrack full of my faves!? Who gave them access to my playlists!?
[MV] GEMINI(제미나이) _ Shining Just for You(내 마음 같아)(When the Stars Gossip(별들에게 물어봐) OST Part.6)
No way! Now this show is giving us Suhyun in pretty ballad mode!?
[MV] LEE SUHYUN(이수현) _ Every Day Without You(무뎌져가)(When the Stars Gossip(별들에게 물어봐) OST Part.5)
Curious about the final verdict! I've been dabbling in various other shows but I'll return to it if it seems worthwhile. I'm greatly enjoying LMH in #WhenTheStarsGossip
It truly is the OST Soundtrack that keeps on giving. Oh Mr Boo!
SeungKwan(승관) _ Somewhere in This Universe(모든 숨쉬는 순간은 기적이 되어) (별들에게 물어봐 OST Part.4)
@stuffjolikes @whoosh
Thanks, Jo!! Always happy to drag newcomers down this lovely, cozy rabbit hole with me!!
#FightForMyWay Fun drama with Park Seo Joon and Kim Ji Won as young adults struggling to reach for their dreams
Tampilkan Adegan Diluar Nulur, Drama When The Stars Gossip Menuai Kritik KNetz. Berikut Kritiknya! #Hiburan #Drakor #WhenTheStarsGossip
I'm mostly alternating between #sewing and #kdrama these days although I ventured out to watch my grands dance yesterday. On Saturday, I met my bestie after shopping for sewing goods at a Korean-owned café where I ordered in #korean. Learned a helpful shopping dialogue last night.
I binged #TheTraumaCodeHeroesOnCall the last couple of days and I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys action-packed medical dramas.
Also enjoying ongoing dramas: #LoveScout