Je pense que les Québécois aiment #Trudeau après tout #canada #québec #trudeauMeme #CanadianTire
@CAWguy it fascinates me that the people who want to cancel #education, #healthcare, #cbc, #infrastructure, #culture, #trudeau and #cdnmedia are accusing anyone of “cancel culture”.
That’s before you learn the history of #woke, of course.
Paul St-Pierre Plamondon
Mark #Wiseman, engagé comme conseiller de Mark #Carney pour siéger sur son Conseil des relations canado-américaines, est le co-fondateur de l’Initiative du siècle, ce groupe d' #idéologues qui sont les artisans de la politique d' #immigration délirante qu'a appliquée le gouvernement libéral de Justin #Trudeau dans les dernières années.
Voici ce que Mark Wiseman pense du #Québec : « L'objectif d'atteindre 100 millions de Canadiens..
Nuevo primer ministro canadiense aprovecha crisis con EEUU para convocar elecciones anticipadas
La crisis entre Canadá y EEUU ha favorecido en la últimas semanas al Partido Liberal, del saliente primer ministro Justin Trudeau y de su sucesor, el actual Mark Carney, quien aprovecha para convocar a elecciones parlamentarias adelantas para el 28 de abril.
La entrada Nuevo primer ministro canadi [...]
#CanadáElecciones #Carney #CrisisEEUU #Mundo #Trudeau #Trump #ÚltimaHora
Yes, congratulations Christian Freeland, on getting exactly the job you wanted!
Er, wait...
#canpoli #cdnpoli #parliament #LPC #liberals #carney #markcarney #PMO #CPC #ottawa #chrystiafreeland #freeland #trudeau #justintrudeau #onpoli
Dlf Weltzeit: #Kanadas Einheit - #Trudeau und #Trump helfen den Liberalen
"Two months ago, #Canadians sent water bombers to help fight the #LosAngeles wildfires. Then #Trump ramped up his “51st state” and “Governor #Trudeau” trolling, and now come his #tariffs."
This guy is a sleaze coward looking only after himself the paradigm of a politiquero. He fled Cuba because Castro got rid of them there and came to do the same thing in America.
Implying that Trump imperial thirsts is due to #trudeau is just as coward low as you can get and every Canadian should hate him even more than Trump.
They are tying to negate the existence of “smaller countries” in this supposedly new order they want to impose. My advise Never fall for that. Hitler (and excuse my maximalism here but it’s necessary) also say that other are inferior so it’s natural to eliminate them.
Don’t fall for that shit, never fall for that way of seeing the world.
Ce le trimite Justin #Trudeau concetățenilor săi în ultimul mesaj în calitate de prim-ministru al Canadei.
Remember #Ukrainian President #Zelenskyy shared an emotional moment with a veteran during a D-Day ceremony in #Normandy, #France on Thursday.
The veteran, who also met Canadian Prime Minister #Trudeau, kissed Zelenskyy's hand and told him he was the "saviour of the people"
"You're my hero!": WWII vetera...
A lot of people in #Canada FINALLY got what they wanted so badly earlier this year, #Trudeau announced his plans to resign. But then they saw elected Liberal leader and our new Prime minister and suddenly started yelling “no! no! not like that!”
People are freaking out that M...
Justin Trudeau Bids Farewell with Parliament Chair in Hand
Görevi bırakıyor: Trudeau sandalyesini de de alıp gitti: Kanada Başbakanı Justin Trudeau, Liberal Parti'nin yeni lideri ve başbakan adayı Mark Carney ile bir araya gelerek iktidarın devir sürecini başlattı.
Carney, toplantının ardından gazetecilere yaptığı açıklamada, geçişin "kusursuz" ve "hızlı" olmasının beklendiğini söyledi.
Eski Merkez Bankası Başkanıydı! Başbakanlık görevini devralacak!… #Trudeau #Kanada #Başbakan #Siyaset #LiberalParti