* Formerly the #Tories, or Conservative & Unionist Party of Great Britain & Northern Ireland.
Aka the National Socialist English Worker's Party.

* Formerly the #Tories, or Conservative & Unionist Party of Great Britain & Northern Ireland.
Aka the National Socialist English Worker's Party.
"Her key opening message was that the situation was hopeless. No one liked the Tories. The brand was kryptonite. There was no way they weren’t toast. They were on course to lose every council in the country that they had held."
#Badenoch #Tories #LocalElections
Kemi brings little cheer to to...
@Geri so in the space of a few days it's increased from "a 1000 people a day" to 2000 people, and of course the Protest Voters will lap it up because it's anything but blame the Rich, isn't it?
He should see my messages about him ..The C key is used a lot #brexit #tory #tories #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #bbc #news #EU #Labour #keirstarmer #Starmer #labourparty #RejoinEU #ToryCorruption #farage #nigelfarage #reformuk #Gammons #KemiBadenoch #conservatives
The names Farage- Nigel lying c**t Farage ….. Remeber that time said this bollocks and that bus and you voted for him, that was good weren’t it - how’s that working out? #brexit #tory #tories #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #bbc #news #EU #Labour #keirstarmer #Starmer #labourparty #RejoinEU #ToryCorruption #farage #nigelfarage #reformuk #Gammons #KemiBadenoch #conservatives
Tech genius ….. turns computer on #brexit #tory #tories #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #bbc #news #EU #Labour #keirstarmer #Starmer #labourparty #RejoinEU #ToryCorruption #conservatives #trump #DonaldTrump #Musk #elonmusk #tesla
Well this has come as a shock …. It turns out billionaires could pay more tax and still have a nice lifestyle #brexit #tory #tories #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #bbc #news #EU #Labour #keirstarmer #Starmer #labourparty #RejoinEU #ToryCorruption #conservatives #trump #DonaldTrump #Musk #elonmusk #tesla
"‘No-One Voted for These Cruel Cuts"
For me (and I am not #disabled and have no disabled family members), Labour's vicious cuts to #disability benefits are a violation that I can't align with.
I voted #Labour in the last election, and celebrated joyously when they kicked the vile Tories out. But it's increasingly apparent — with this, and with attacks on health workers — that they really are just #Tories With Red Ties.
Labour is dead. I'm voting #Green from now on.
Lee Anderthal proving once again what a clown is he …. You’ll be thrilled to know we pay his wages - not the real ones obvs, just the one we know about #brexit #tory #tories #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #bbc #news #EU #Labour #keirstarmer #Starmer #labourparty #RejoinEU #ToryCorruption #farage #nigelfarage #reformuk #Gammons #KemiBadenoch #conservatives
When the tories fake more concern for the Public than you fake...
Oh, the great Moral Starmer is taxing hospices now, instead of taxing the rich....
Labour Party new strategy to curb illegal immigration … Don’t come here, it’s a shit hole, especially Norwich.
Now I’m no expert, but if my job was to run a nation and care for its citizens, I’m not sure this sends the message that I’m on top of things.
#brexit #tory #tories #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #bbc #news #EU #Labour #keirstarmer #Starmer #labourparty #RejoinEU #ToryCorruption #farage #nigelfarage #reformuk #Gammons #KemiBadenoch #conservatives
An entire nation sympathises ….. and totally understands #brexit #tory #tories #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #bbc #news #EU #Labour #keirstarmer #Starmer #labourparty #RejoinEU #ToryCorruption #farage #nigelfarage #reformuk #Gammons #KemiBadenoch #conservatives #LizTruss
Defies logic & potential savings are nowhere near enough to fill "black hole" left by #Tories. Mindless cruelty for cruelty's sake IMO. Does #Labour WANT to lose the next #GeneralElection?
Been up all night trying to decide if it’s a crown stamped on a Pint glass or that the width signs in the dartford tunnel are now in feet and inches (both claims of huge Brexit benefits by the tories)
All ideas welcome - including ‘FUCK ALL’
#brexit #tory #tories #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #bbc #news #EU #Labour #keirstarmer #Starmer #labourparty #RejoinEU #ToryCorruption #farage #nigelfarage #reformuk #Gammons #KemiBadenoch #conservatives
I think #BBCNews is missing part of Badenoch's quote. Surely it is:
"Net zero by 2050 'impossible' for UK, because #Tories failed to act on the very legal commitment we passed into law"
BBC News - Net Zero by 2050 'impossible' for UK, says Kemi Badenoch - BBC News
About bloody time Labour went after disability benefits, bloody scroungers #brexit #tory #tories #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #bbc #news #EU #Labour #keirstarmer #Starmer #labourparty #RejoinEU #ToryCorruption #farage #nigelfarage #reformuk #Gammons #KemiBadenoch #disabilitybenefits
Because of fucking course …. Takes a racist scumbag to vet a racist scumbag #brexit #tory #tories #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #bbc #news #EU #Labour #keirstarmer #Starmer #labourparty #RejoinEU #ToryCorruption #farage #nigelfarage #reformuk #Gammons #KemiBadenoch
It feels like the #tories are still in charge at the #HomeOffice ...
https://www.theguardian.com/education/2025/mar/16/oxford-historian-deportation-india-manikarnika-dutta-home-office #oxford #migration