Thanks #Muskrat for all the #spacejunk.
Thanks #Muskrat for all the #spacejunk.
Space X isn’t even saying sorry, just giving lame explanations about why its space garbage keeps falling out of the sky. #SpaceX #FuckElon #space #spacejunk #Falcon9
BBC: SpaceX rocket debris crashes into Poland
"...At around 10:00 local time (09:00 GMT), Adam Borucki was astonished to find what appeared to be a charred tank measuring around 1.5m by 1m behind his warehouse in Komorniki, Poland. ..."
Anyone lose some space junk?
Poland: Services check whether remnants of SpaceX rocket fell on western Poland
Het ziet er misschien spectaculair uit maar het is afval! En net doen of het niet erg is dat het ‘gelukkig meestal’ in zee terechtkomt.
#spacejunk #spacedebris #sustainabilty #oceans #volhoudbaarheid
'Vuurballen' in de lucht gezien, waarschijnlijk ruimteafval van SpaceX
Astronomers Call for Global Ban on Space Advertising Before It’s Too Late
humankind’s scientific understanding of the universe is under threat from space activities, including the proliferation of satellite constellations, space debris, and radio- and electromagnetic interference
#space #astronomy #satellites #spacejunk #advertising #science #earth
The Risk of Space Junk Hitting Planes Is Rising in The Era of SpaceX
I think there's a greater risk of our children growing up, not knowing the beauty of a natural night sky with 'real' stars and constellations.
#spacejunk #airplanes #satellites
NASA’s cutting-edge robotic hand aboard ISS is bringing us one step closer to a future where machines can grab objects just like humans. With a suitable propulsion system and power source, it could ultimately be used to collect debris like a space based road cleaner.
#nasa #spacejunk #robots #LEO
NASA Gets a Firm Grip on the F...
Astronomers briefly thought Elon Musk’s car was an asteroid. Here’s why that points to a broader problem.
@CNN reports:
DO NOT LEGITIMIZE STARLINK! DO NOT USE THIS PROMOTION! See the link below for the reasons:
#starlink #spacejunk #elonmusk
La corsa allo spazio ha un lato oscuro: la crescente quantità di detriti che orbitano attorno alla Terra. Questo fenomeno non è solo un problema spaziale, ma può diventare una minaccia per la sicurezza dei voli aerei. Analizziamo le implicazioni e i rischi connessi.
@bloomberg @bloomberg-bloomberg so even more #SpaceJunk!?
It was Starlink 5693 burning up. Here's a video from a UW-Madison camera:
An object in space that astronomers initially identified as an alarmingly close asteroid headed towards Earth turns out to be a Tesla car that Elon Musk launched in 2018 as part of a publicity campaign.
Burning up space debris fell over Wisconsin (or at least the Upper Midwest near Wisconsin) last night around 9pm. Lots of cool videos and pictures circulating around local social media.
@alterelefant @AbramKedge @kibcol1049
Current location of the #swasticar that #SpaceKaren dumped into orbit.
#spacejunk What a
How much more junk do we let billionaires toss into space unregulated only to mess up future science and technology applications?
“Who Owns Outer Space?”
CBC’s Ideas broadcast astrophysicist and co-director of the Outer Space Institute Aaron Boley’s delivery of the 2024 Dan MacLennan Memorial Lecture in Astronomy
I definitely recommend a listen or a read:
Ideas with Nahlah Ayed: Who Owns Outer Space?
Also on the topic from our own Sam Lawler in SciAm!