Today is Monday, the 19th day of Rethe by Shire-reckoning.
Today is Monday, the 19th day of Rethe by Shire-reckoning.
Today is Sterday, the 17th day of Rethe by Shire-reckoning.
Malawi: Mit dem Katamaran zu den Hippos im Shire-Fluss
Abenteuerliches im "warmen Herzen Afrikas"
Unser Boot gleitet den Shire flussaufwärts. Auf der westlichen Seite Fischerhütten, ausgebreitete Netze und Gestelle,
Roadtrip to another shire today! We leave in 30 minutes.
I am not British and have no idea which shire is where. I can name Worcestershire and Yorkshire, but not the other two dozen shires.
Similarly, I don't know the Sexes. I've heard of Essex and Sussex, and I've even been to Nosex. Nosex is a disappointment.
Day 12
Here's my photo from our 2019 NZ trip: The old oak tree above the home of Bilbo Baggins, Bag End, on the Hill, Bagshot Row, Bag End, in the Shire, Hobbiton, Middle Earth. ©Carl R. Englander
Día 8, caminar, pasear por la comarca se ha convertido en algo peligroso. #inktober2024 #hike #hobbit #forest #travel #nigth #frontier #dangerous #nazgul #shire #ink #bnw #sword #adventure #rpg
Happy Hobbit Day to those who celebrate! Happy Birthday Bilbo & Frodo!
Remembering our AWESOME 2019 pre-COVID trip to #NewZealand with a visit to Bag End, Middle Earth, The Shire, #Hobbiton! #InternationalHobbitDay #HobbitDay #JRRTolkien #Tolkien #TheLordOfTheRings #LordOfTheRings #LOTR #TheHobbit #Hobbit #MiddleEarth #Shire #TheShire #WETA #WETAWorkshop #FensterFreitag #FensterFriday #Fenster #Window #PhotographersOfMastodon #Photography #Photo #Photographer #Aotearoa #Film #PeterJackson
Today is Highday, the 25th day of Wedmath by Shire-reckoning.
Today is Trewsday, the 15th day of Wedmath by Shire-reckoning.
Today is Sunday, the 6th day of Wedmath by Shire-reckoning.
Today is Monday, the 30th day of Afterlithe by Shire-reckoning.
No one better demonstrated the self-absorbed nature of the Shire than Lobelia Sackville-Baggins.
Lobelia, one of Bilbo’s relatives who desired to inherit Bilbo’s home at Bag End, is portrayed as a jealous and entitled woman who was disliked by her extended family and others in the Shire.
Today is Mersday, the 12th day of Afterlithe by Shire-reckoning.