Rain. RAIN. R-A-I-N-!
Not moving the boat anywhere today.
This morning I found a puddle on the step inside the stern door because the combination of wind direction and intensity of rain was "just right" for water ingress.
Also: stuck a hand in the hole to the water tank where there had previously been water ingress, but after sealing the bow-door cill in the spring, that now feels completely dry.
Still restoring window siding, working my way around the house. Quite boring.
Scraping and sanding the flakey stuff and dead wood off, filling gaps with acrylic goop (reduced shrink, instant overpaintable but it doesn't smear well), then exterior latex paint that might last 5-10 years (25 years, the label lies).
One had silicone sealant poisoning, luckily just one. Had to scrape that all off before anything stuck.
A #backing #rod, also known as a #backer rod, is a flexible, cylindrical foam material used in #construction joints and gaps to provide support
for #sealant or #caulk. A backer rod is typically made from open-cell or closed-cell #expandafoam, #polyurethane, or other compressible materials
A #backing #rod, also known as a #backer rod, is a flexible, cylindrical foam material used in #construction joints and gaps to provide support
for #sealant or #caulk. A backer rod is typically made from open-cell or closed-cell #expandafoam, #polyurethane, or other compressible materials
That’s mainly because #silicone #sealants are water-resistant. That’s why a quality #roof silicone #sealant can be used to repair cracks and fill openings close to windows and on the roof of your #home.
Does anybody have some tricks for #RockClimbing #shoe #repair or retreading? Perhaps the "black death" sealant that sailors use between slats of teak on the deck of a sailboat?
@thijs_lucas Mal interessehalber: Den Reifen mit wenig Druck über Nacht stehen lassen und das Loch nach oben drehen – passt das?
Ich verwende schon ne Weile #MilKit, die noch dünner als #Schwalbe #DocBlue sein dürfte und habe ähnliche Probleme. Mit #Specialized #2Bliss #tubeless #sealant hatte ich solchen Ärger nie.