181 #ClimateEmergency #Prospects
To be honest
I DO have some critiques on this documentary.
It is a very rich western point of view.
It is much like a Holywood Disaster Movie.
The poor countries are very much pictured as the victim. That of course they are, without being the cause.
But, at three degrees, there will be disaster also in the rich countries.
That could have been more convincing for those who are/were the cause.
It remains a convincing documentary on the consequences of doing nothing, or too little.
We're talking millions of lives. Where ever they may be.
"See what three degrees of global warming looks like" [16:23 min]
by The Economist
Quote by TE:
"30 okt 2021
If global temperatures rise three degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, the results would be catastrophic. It’s an entirely plausible scenario, and this film shows you what it would look like."