I felt more let down after watching #PepsiWheresMyJet on #Netflix than the guys in it!
I felt more let down after watching #PepsiWheresMyJet on #Netflix than the guys in it!
Today I learned that Manny Pacquiao was a senator in the Philippines.
#PepsiWheresMyJet is an entertaining but ultimately infuriating (#KimbaWood is disgusting) #docuseries on #Netflix about one of (apparently many) #Pepsi's most egregious incidents of blatantly deliberate #FalseAdvertising, back in the #90's.
As a bonus, #MichaelAvenatti is involved, and we get a bit of his villainous origin story.
Has anyone seen #PepsiWheresMyJet ? That's a crazy story.
Everyone go watch ‘Pepsi, Where’s My Jet?’
Absolutely wild documentary #pepsiwheresmyjet
A great example of documentary making. So much more than just a "David versus Goliath" story. A story of courage, sticking to your principles and sticking by one another.
Seen this? What not to do in marketing and how to live your life. Something fun on Netflix.
#Runningdad #Marketing #PepsiWheresmyJet
"Pepsi, Where's My Jet?" on Netflix was *so* much better than I anticipated. Legal fight about a topic that doesn't cause a strong emotional reaction, just curiosity and wholesome relationships along the way.
powiem wam, że #PepsiWheresMyJet bardzo, bardzo dobre!
...ale chyba najbardziej podoba mi się, że totalnie czuję DZIŚ emocje związane z tym, co działo się ćwierć dekady temu!
@pepsi give that man his jet #pepsiwheresmyjet
Gerade #PepsiWheresMyJet geschaut & ganz nett für nebenbei.
Aber schon krass, so sympathisch die beiden Protagonisten sind, denke ich mir beim ständigen Reden von „David vs. Goliath“ & „We are just little guys“ schon ein bisschen:
Dudes. Ihr mögt freilich keine Multi-Milliarden-$-Corporation sein - aber glaubt ihr echt ein „little guy“ hätte mal so eben 700k & 4+ Jahre Anwaltskosten im Portmonee?
If I get to the end of #PepsiWheresMyJet on Netflix and they say how Todd died before the show was released, I'm going to go ballistic.
With tears.
Oh geeze. Old mate is using Word Perfect on DOS... #memories #PepsiWheresMyJet
If you’re looking for your next must watch, get on #Netflix and watch the incredible true story of the boy who sued #Pepsi for a #HarrierJet. #PepsiWheresMyJet is a hell of a ride, but underneath there’s the story of a beautiful, affirming friendship. Just brilliant!