Maybe it's already high time to go a little beyond #NoAltNoBoost and proceed directly to Unfollow?
Maybe it's already high time to go a little beyond #NoAltNoBoost and proceed directly to Unfollow?
Remember to double down on the basics, people; add image descriptions, check for alt text before you boost, and so forth.
Your stance against fascism is worth fuck all if you drop the habit the moment the going gets tough.
Accessibility is resistance, now more than ever.
Remember to check for alt text before you boost, people. Everyone deserves to take part in a Fediverse that is accessible
@bateauivre Bonjour
@LeTempsMachine Bonjour
@aucard_de_tours Bonjour
For all the new folks arriving on here, and anyone wishing to up their image description game, here's an excellent resource for writing ‘alt text’;
Or, TL:DR; describe your images as if talking to someone who can hear you, but not see what you see. What do you like about it? What makes it special?
One of the best things about Mastodon and the wider Fediverse is how strong this accessibility habit is, here. Let's keep it going, especially with all the new amazing nature photographers arriving in the past week or so
Good alt text
Ya quand même des gens qui sont sur le Fédivers depuis un moment, ont parfois beaucoup d'abonné'es mais ne mettent pas d'alternative à leurs images.
Genre, y'a pas l'excuse du "je savais pas" là hein.
Rappel de la règle : pas de alt (ou alt pourri), pas de boost !
Dans l'idée du #NoAltNoBoost , est-ce qu'il y a déjà un hashtag pour exprimer : si votre pouet est au mascouillin qui l'emporte, pas de boost !
Quelques propositions, mais si vous avez des idées, bienvenues :-)
Merci à @Khrys pour son aide aux propo
Hey, people? Remember to check for an image description before boosting someone else's toot? Accessibility and all that.
Dank @unixwitch ein Alt or Not ähnliches #Tool gefunden das auch mit Mastodon (und Instagram und FB und Linkdn) die #Bildbeschreibung als Text anzeigt so dass ich sie (endlich) lesen kann. #SocialVisualAltText by @nickdenardis - gibt's für Chrome und Firefox. Und andersfarbigen Balken wenn keine da ist.
evtl. interessant auch für @melly_maeh oder @rollifraeulein?
#NoAltNoBoost #barrierefreiheit #Sehbehinderung #AltText #accessibility
I am seeing way too many of you boost memes and other images that do not have any image description, let alone any kind of description that is actually accessible
@armelbaudet J'adore cette démarche créative. Dommage qu'il n'y ait pas d'alternative textuelle (j'ai une politique personnelle #NoAltNoBoost) !
Green on black pixelated graphic shows an Oregon Trail wagon. Text reads “GET IN LOSER / WE’RE GETTING DYSENTERY”
@apilsetas some fantastic images, but a real shame that you don’t include #alttext in your images. #alttext4you #NoAltNoBoost #NoAltTextNoBoost
Remember, folks; I know we're all tired as heck, with the current state of the world being what it is, but providing a proper description for the audiovisual media you include in your posts is not something you only get to do when it's convenient for you.
Providing accessibility not only is about catering to people who cannot see or hear like you do; it is RESISTANCE.
Resistance to the idea that it is okay to exclude people who need that image description because you just want to post that meme for laughs.
Resistance to fascism, and its ableist views.
And everything in between.
@PartijvoordeDieren Waneer starten jullie nou eens met #alttext ?
Veel mensen hier onderschrijven #NoAltNoBoost