When was the last time you've properly used the camera on your Android?
No I'm not talking about the camera which points at the scenery, I'm talking about the camera which points straight to your face 24 hours a day every time you pick your Android up.
¿Well? I'm waiting.
About 990 out of 1000 people will answer this wrong.
The only proper way of using that camera is making sure that it can only record images of your face when you absolutely want to
That means that you need to put a piece of electrical isolation tape in front of the lens of the camera and it should be like that for most of the day.
Any other manner means that you do not know anything about securing yourself and about protecting your identity.
Do you consider it normal to have a barrel of a firearm pointed at your face 24 hours a day?
The question is rhetorical
Now please follow suit and do like I have done it for decades;
The only time when the camera is pointed at me, is when I want to; if I don't I either cover it, or shove the person who puts the camera in my face in such a manner that they drop it immediately, or else!