Quoting Stephen Kapos on the duty to stand against injustice:
[...] I say this as a Holocaust Survivor that the genocide in Gaza, is not happening in my name and in our name. The way that the Israeli government is using the memory of the Holocaust in order to justify what they're doing to the Gazans is a complete insult to the memory of the Holocaust it's an outrage. When I saw the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations putting on a yellow star it was stomach turning. Somebody who had to wear a yellow star like myself and my entire family I'm insulted by that.
[...] What distinguishes the Jewish Holocaust is its industrial scale and industrial methods being applied. And what has been happening to Gaza is similar in that the scale of the bombing and the indiscriminate nature of the bombing the complete lack of care about children and women being the majority of the victims amounts to Industrial scale of genocide.
[...] Some of the actions of the Nazi state in dehumanising and completely cruel large scale killings etc, if it is repeated I don't see why you couldn't make the parallel it can only be helpful in understanding what's going on to make the parallel I don't think there should be any taboo against that.
[...] I felt it completely incomprehensible really how you can do anything but totally condemn quite clear genocide and anybody who doesn't do that it will be Revisited on him or her to to look back on to be on the wrong side of history and and seriously guilty and that goes for the UK government to Keir Stramer and the shadow cabinet and some of the church leaders, the chief rabbi completely identifies with Israel and Zionism.
[...] I think it's important to stand up against this conflation that is propagated between Jewishness and Zionism if you do not stand up and criticize it and divorce yourself from it, then it sort of besmirches all Jews basically...
H/t @ErikvanStraten
#Zionism #Nakba #Holocaust
* Edit: typo