Added gamma correction, and the ability to hook into the Vulkan context with your own widget.
In this case, it renders to the whole framebuffer, but brightens the widget's area.
The widget is like any other, so it requests a redraw every 16ms, just like any other animated widget via a `Subscription`.
I was waiting for #cosmic to release a stable version but it is already fantastic. I'm really impressed by how beautiful and snappy it is turning out.
Kudos to the developers who for achieving so much in such a short time.
Text seems to work, and the analytical AA was trivial to implement (just smooth-step the opacity value based on your distance at the edges).
I'm currently playing around with the borders by exaggerating them. Those big borders look kinda cute .
Working on an Iced renderer for my Vulkan layer "MarpII".
So far, I got the quad renderer working (including rounded corners). Batches of quads are also cached, so re-rendering the same layout doesn't cost that much.
Didn't like the choices at the work cafeteria #today so went out in the cold and got a tostada (chicken) & tiny quesadilla (steak) at Los Tacos No. 1. On the way back to seven world trade I tried to get a #drink but the doors were #locked (all the #beer was #unlocked). When I asked the nice woman about it, she came & unlocked my door & it quickly became clear why all the upside down milk crates: she's not tall enough to unlock the doors without.
#SevenEleven no #shoplifting a #sweet #iced #tea
Just added option to import theme from .ron files to Quick Web Apps!
So basically, we can go to download desired theme, and use it with Quick Web Apps :)
I'm trying to make #rustyscript work with #iced-rs but it doesn't seems to want to play nice.
Specifically I want to need able to run a js script with rustyscript and keep the option to stop the script when I want. But Rustyscript Runtime doesn't play well with iced-rs' own concurrency mechanisms.
The other difficulty is I need to register rust function in the js runtime, and I don't find a way to do that using Workers.
I'm basically running circle around the problem... I got something to compile but the js execution thread crashes with this message :
Cannot start a runtime from within a runtime. This happens because a function (like
block_on) attempted to block the current thread while the thread is being used to drive asynchronous tasks.
Quick Web Apps now have new layout of app editor, imho using this `section` widget from settings is better approach. I like it :D
Iced (1988) [Degausser Video Blu-ray Promo Trailer]
#horror – #Trailers – #horrormovies – #Iced – @DegausserVideo – A group of friends head off for a fun-filled getaway in the snowy mountains, where they’ve unexpectedly been offered a free stay at a luxury ski resort. Once they arrive at their cabin, however, the high spirits are soon dampened when they discover a newspaper […] …
Iced (1989) Available February 25
#horror – #horrormovies – #Iced – #DegausserVideo – @DegausserVideo – A group of friends head off for a fun-filled getaway in the snowy mountains, where they’ve unexpectedly been offered a free stay at a luxury ski resort. Once they arrive at their cabin, however, the high spirits are soon dampened when they discover a newspaper […] …
Been slowly working on a #libcosmic app. It's a presentation app for my ministry and church. I originally wrote it in #C++ and #QML, but have since rewritten part of the backend to #rust with the help of #CXX-QT. This still gave me a really tricky system and I decided to investigate rust ui libraries. Seeing #system76 develop #cosmic in rust with #iced, I decided to try it, and it's working quite nice thus far. Some rough edges, but I can't wait to see it come to fruition.
In his online book, Iced (the GUI library) explains that the Model-View-Update design pattern fits well with Rust because it is suited to purely functional languages. And libcosmic (based on Iced) in its own book goes even further: MVU adheres to Rust's “aliasing XOR mutability” rule².
BTW I realize that MVU is not limited to simple apps if associated with an async mechanism.
¹ (see "The Elm Architecture")
My Week in Code #15 is up. Past week mostly concentrated around updates in BeagleBoard Rust Imager.
strangely cant find a github project of #diy #opensource #rustlang wrist watches, ui was probably written in #iced but im not sure. do you remember the project's name?