Just started reading Richard Rhodes’ book on the #Holocaust, “Masters of Death,” and by page 9 I’m already seeing parallels. Absolutely terrifying.
Just started reading Richard Rhodes’ book on the #Holocaust, “Masters of Death,” and by page 9 I’m already seeing parallels. Absolutely terrifying.
@osiris_0x7A4 schreef onder meer: "Zionisten hebben een geloof nl. het Jodendom."
Sorry maar wat een kortzichtige vereenvoudiging. Er bestaan relaties tussen een deel van de Joden, een deel van de Zionisten en religies, maar er is ook gigantisch veel "los zand".
Doodmoe word ik van al die geplakte labeltjes waar iedereen een eigen definitie aan koppelt, en die vervolgens ook steeds wijzigt.
Hoewel "Semieten" stond (of staat, wat je wilt) voor verschillende bevolkingsgroepen, werd kort na WWII ANTISEMITISME gedefinieerd als ONVOORWAARDELIJKE haat jegens *ALLE* Joden.
Precies dát, haat puur op basis van vooroordelen (ongeacht daden en overtuigingen van individuen) leidde tot het vermoorden van miljoenen willekeurige Joden tijdens de Holocaust.
Daar ontleent het woord ANTISEMITISME haar lading aan.
De #IHRA heeft met háár definitie het begrip ANTISEMITISME al volledig uitgehold, maar de regering Biden heeft daar nog een schep bovenop gedaan om critici van Netanyahu eenvoudiger de mond te kunnen snoeren.
Sommigen ging zelfs de door Biden geïntroduceerde definitie van ANTISEMITISME niet ver genoeg, uit [1]:
As I note in an upcoming article, “The Nexus definition of antisemitism was created to protect anti-Israel activists from charges of antisemitism. That definition, which the Biden administration chose to promote, claims that BDS or “boycotting goods made in the West Bank and/or Israel is not antisemitic”, and argues that “opposition to Zionism and/or Israel does not necessarily reflect specific anti-Jewish animus nor purposefully lead to antisemitic behaviors and conditions.”
Nu pakt Trump gewoon je bul af en/of word je de VS uitgezet.
In een deel van de gevallen viel, reeds vóór 7 oktober 2023, het hebben van kritiek op de gewelddadige ziens- en handelswijze van Israëliërs (zowel kolonisten als soldaten van de Israeli Destruction Forces) onder ANTISEMITISME.
Dienstweigeraars zoals de dappere Ella Keidar Greenberg zijn er nauwelijks, want zij worden voor ANTISEMIET uitgemaakt en verstoten uit hun gemeenschap (voor deze trans-persoon was deze stap mogelijk kleiner omdat veel conservatieve Israëliërs haar eerdere stap niet willen begrijpen; zie https://www.pressenza.com/2025/03/trans-israeli-refuser-ella-keidar-greenberg-sentenced-to-30-days-in-prison/ en/of https://nos.nl/artikel/2560737-dienstweigeraars-in-israel-ik-wil-niet-meewerken-aan-genocide).
Hierbij voorspel ik dat de binnenkort door de Politie te publiceren cijfers van meldingen van ANTISEMITISCHE incidenten in 2024, opnieuw GEEN explosie zullen laten zien. Ondanks dat ANTIZIONISME tegenwoordig gelijkstaat aan ANTISEMITISME.
En doordat Zionisten, van wie velen Joodse roots hebben, tegenwoordig ANTIZIONISME gelijkstellen aan ANTISEMITISME, verloochenen zij de slachtoffers van de Holocaust.
Today in BoneQuest History for March 22nd 2020 "TWO MORE THINGS" https://bonequest.com/7672 #bonequest
#9gag #coding #deuce_pants_spigot #drunk_deuce #holocaust #richie_cordell #tiffany #unicode #utf_8
Today in Labor History March 22, 1943: The Nazi-affiliated Schutzmannschaft Battalion burnt alive everyone from the village of Khatyn, Belarus, near Minsk. They did it in retaliation for an attack on German troops by Soviet partisans. Himmler created Schutzmannschaft police units in 1941. By 1942, they had over 300,000 members. They slaughtered Jews throughout the Baltics, Ukraine and Belarus. They also served as guards at forced labor camps. In total, Nazis and Nazi collaborators slaughtered over 2 million people just in Belarus during the three years of Nazi occupation. This was nearly 25% of the entire population. Of these, 800,000 were Jews, or about 90% of the Jewish population.
“Perhaps in the entire history of civilization, the Holocaust was the most important object lesson in man’s inhumanity to man.”
Kitty Dukakis, at the National Governors Association in 1983.
“Video: Holocaust survivor Stephen Kapos cheered as arrives for police interview over anti-genocide protest”
by Skwawkbox @skwawkbox @UKLabour
“Starmer keeps targeting Jewish people in his war on free speech and protest rights about Palestine and Israel”
The Chris Hedges Report: On the Precipice of Darkness
“Industrial violence, which is decimating the Palestinians, will become ubiquitous” — from the author’s recent address at the Sanctuary for Independent Media. By Chris Hedges The Chris Hedges Report You can also listen to this report on Sanctuary for Independent…
#Politics #AmericanEmpire #Analysis #HumanRights #Immigration #IndigenousPeople #International #Israel #Militarism #Military #Nazism #Racism #U.s. #EthnicCleansing #Fascism #Gaza.Genocide #Genocide #Holocaust #IsraeliApartheid #IsraeliAtrocities #Palestine #Palestinian #Zionism
#Starmer targeting Jewish people in war on #FreeSpeech, #protest rights about #Palestine, #Israel
Protesters cheered & embraced 87yo #Jewish #Holocaust #survivor Stephen #Kapos arriving at #police station
Police summoned him for questioning over a #peaceful #anti-genocide march
Police falsely claim forced its way through police lines. But video evidence shows he was invited through
Aquest article conté una dada clau:
El #sionisme duia més de 50 anys de ventatja a l'#Holocaust. És a dir, #Israel no és una solució necessària i urgent al #nazisme (#feixisme). En tot cas, el nazisme és l'empenta final, la clau de volta definitiva, al desplegament dels propòsits sionistes nascuts molt abans.
#Palestina és l'escenari propici gràcies a una literatura religiosa secular i un interès geopolític. La ficció es va posar al servei de l'infern dels "altres".
"Jews without Yellow Stars" from #BenYehudaPress Review: It's a truly wonderful book, which focused on Belarus during the Nazi #Holocaust that has 3 main parts:
1. How the information/stories were collected
2. The stories themselves
3. Mini biographies of some of the main storied people.
It's really a wonderful book, for all those 3 elements, each of which would hold up decently as a work unto itself to my opinion but together they form this wonderful tapestry.
As a Jew of mostly Belarusian heritage, with 2 of my 4 grandparents having been born in said country, I think of this as something I'll definitely be sharing with the children I look forward to having. When they're 8-12 they'll just get the war stories, with some of the mini biographies, then as they reach highschool age, they'll get the methods/research elements.
Music as survival in Auschwitz Anne Sebba’s deft book recounts the extraordinary story of Alma Rosé and the women’s orchestra of Auschwitz, who played for their lives in the face of horror.
#Holocaust #Music #History
Womit ich mich am Wochenende (und darüber hinaus) lesend beschäftigen werde:
The Pianist: The Extraordinary True Story of One Man's Survival in Warsaw, 1939–1945
The “striking” holocaust memoir
Sale: $19.99 to $3.99
Author: Władysław Szpilman
Rating: 4.7/5 (2,793 Reviews)
#Holocaust #pianist #memoir #survival #history #ww2 #war
South #African Prime Minister John Vorster lays a wreath for victims of the #Holocaust at Yad Vashem during his visit to #Israel in 1976. During World War II, Vorster had supported the #Nazis and was interned as a fifth columnist. Yitzhak Rabin would toast "the ideals shared by Israel and South #Africa."
"One of many #Holocaust remembrance articles taken down as part of the Hegseth’s effort to rid Pentagon platforms of anything related to DEI. . . . Also removed was an article on Bea Arthur, the Jewish “Golden Girls” star who served in the Marines during World War II."
May the ghost of #BettyWhite haunt you fascists every day & night.
These are the people, I mean #Nazis, who say they want to protect Jews from #antisemitism? Give me an effin' break.
"One of many #Holocaust remembrance articles taken down as part of the Hegseth’s effort to rid Pentagon platforms of anything related to DEI. . . . Also removed was an article on Bea Arthur, the Jewish “Golden Girls” star who served in the Marines during World War II."
May the ghost of #BettyWhite haunt you fascists every day & night.
These are the people, I mean #Nazis, who say they want to protect Jews from #antisemitism? Give me an effin' break.
Apparently anything even tangentially related to the health and history of women and religious, ethnic or sexual minorities is "DEI" now. Including Holocaust Remembrance. It almost seems as if the current leadership of the Pentagon regrets the role the U.S. armed forces played in the victory over Nazi Germany.
Trump has deleted mentions of the Holocaust from the Pentagon’s websites. I don’t see how this makes America great nor how this makes America pro-Jewish or pro-Israeli.