Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum ersten Geburtstag, @avalanche .
Joyeux premier anniversaire, @avalanche .
Zenkaicon, What an adventure it was! I am definitely gonna go again next year! I had loads of fun with new and familiar friends! Until next time, PA!
They even had a pizza delivery clerk!
Wasted no time in meeting as many cute, unique, scary, and all around awesome cosplayers!
Got to visit Zenkaicon, and I have been having the most fun at an anime con I’ve ever had! I was even surprised to see the many fellow furries there!
Hyäne Furr has made a great video of me riding my self-built electric Club-Mate Box. It's powered by two hoverboard motors and controlled with a Wii Nunchuk. Maybe I'll bring it to the EAST Convetion so you can try it out yourself!
A pic of the bean Stripe Hula Hoop, my second ever fursuit build ^^
Beware the lake kraken.
: @poeproductions
#Fursuit #Fursuiteveryday #Fursuitseveryday #Bluefox2022 힐 댕댕이
힐 오너 : pokeseu1
#Fursuit #Fursuiteveryday #Fursuitseveryday potgapples
웅 나 불렀어?
Easy, breezy, beautiful.
: @poeproductions
#FursuitEveryday #Fursuit
다들 안녕하세요~ 너도 안녕해야지?
Would you like to play a round of bowling with me? Westbowl Nuremberg
"Wait, I'm not technically *wearing* green..."