Tesla sta presumibilmente trattenendo i salari dei dipendenti tedeschi in congedo per malattia #Europa #Europe Tesla sta presumibilmente trattenendo i salari dei dipendenti tedeschi in congedo per malattia #Europa #Europe
Russian assault groups destroyed while trying to storm Ukrainian position in the industrial zone on the outskirts of Torets.
Telegram/ButusovPlus Telegram Auto Translate! Thanks to the joint efforts of the 28th, 93rd, and 53rd brigades, another attempt…
#Ukraine #UA #Europe #Europa #EU
Canatu launches Carbon Age program for which it has received EUR 10 million funding granted by Business Finland — TradingView News
Canatu Plc Inside Information 26 March 2025 at 1:45 pm EET Inside information: Canatu launches Carbon Age program…
#Finland #FI #Europe #Europa #EU
Luxembourg : une pétition réclame une prime pour les parents du privé
Publié26. mars 2025, 13:20 Au Luxembourg: Pas de prime de 650 euros pour les parents du secteur privé…
#Luxembourg #Luxemburg #LU #Europe #Europa #EU
Netherlands Current Account Surplus Widens in Q4 — TradingView News
The Netherlands’ current account surplus widened to €38.9 billion in the fourth quarter of 2024 from €33.2 billion…
#Netherlands #Nederland #NL #Europe #Europa #EU
Reiche Amerikaner verlagern ihr Vermögen in die Schweiz
Wegen der Wirtschaftspolitik in den USA denken immer mehr wohlhabende US-Bürger darüber nach, ihr Vermögen ins Ausland zu…
#Switzerland #CH #Europe #Europa #EU
U.S. Army Paladins lethal precision thunders in Latvia and Lithuania
Source: V Corps (U.S. Army). Story by Staff Sgt. Rose Di Trolio U.S. Army field artillery crews validate…
#Lithuania #LT #Europe #Europa #EU
■ Europa suspira por el yacimiento descubierto en España con todos los números de dejar a China fuera de juego ■ Puede asegurar sus propios requisitos y convertirse en un proveedor líder mundial.
‘Time for someone else to have a chance’ – Portugal urged to replace Cristiano Ronaldo as Roberto Martinez is warned CR7 won’t make ‘big impact’ if he goes to 2026 World Cup
Portugal manager Roberto Martinez has been urged to replace Cristiano Ronaldo ahead of the 2026 World Cup to…
#Portugal #PT #Europe #Europa #EU