Oh hai, emergency broadcast test!
No, nothing bad is going to happen on October 4th. You don't have to hoard food and water. Things will be fine.
#emergencybroadcastsystem #fema #covid #conspiracytheories
#FEMA #EmergencyBroadcastSystem #disinformation #ConspiracyTheories
The Associated Press:
Conspiracy theories about FEMA's Oct. 4 emergency alert test spread online
"CLAIM: An emergency broadcast system test on Oct. 4 will send a signal to cell phones nationwide in order to activate nanoparticles such as graphene oxide that have been introduced into people’s bodies."
Hey, the Emergency Broadcast System recently turned 60!
I made an educational song about it a few years ago.
Happy 52nd anniversary to this terrifying (and fascinating) event. #CivilDefence #EmergencyBroadcastSystem #WOWO
Fox Fined For Using EAS Tone in Footbal Ad - The Boy Who Cried Wolf is a simple parable that teaches children the fatal risk of... - https://hackaday.com/2023/02/07/fox-fined-for-broadcasting-emergency-tone-in-football-ad/ #federalcommunicationscommission #emergencybroadcastsystem #emergencyalertsystem #hackadaycolumns #news #fine #eas #ebs #fcc #fox