maybe we shouldn't have let people name their own outposts #EliteDangerous
maybe we shouldn't have let people name their own outposts #EliteDangerous
@psaldorn oooh, yes! The memories. #FriendshipDrive charging.
(image via
@psaldorn *weird noises* “warning: hyperspace conduit unstable”
from #EliteDangerous
Context: The Developers (Frontier) had been hinting at a resurgence of the hostile alien faction from the earlier games for a while. But then they sneakily added this to the game. Three years after release. Three years of hyperspace just being a loading screen. Sadly, there is no microphone recording of the first person to encounter this.
ok i love flying this thing it's like a really fast fridge #EliteDangerous
No fun screenshots to share today, but I was doing a little bit of Space Truckin' last night in HIP 4055 - building a security station - and discovered that I'm now a prime target for pirates in my own system. Looks like I get to learn how to set up auto-turrets on my T-9. #EliteDangerous #HIP4055
Lave Radio the #EliteDangerous podcast Episode 526!: "A little on the Nose" is now available for download!!! What do we want? Corsair! Why do we want it? Nose puns, mostly.
Just chatting to start the #stream and later we may jump into some #EliteDangerousOddysey so come hang out and chill with me for a little while!
#Streamer #Streaming #SmallStreamer #TwitchPartner #TwitchStreamer #Twitch #TwitchTV #Glasses #Gaming #Gamer #LiveNow #Live #EliteDangerous
In today's #EliteDangerous stream (13:30 GMT) I'll be visiting various memorials, remembering some incredible people.
Including Elite's erstwhile lore-keeper Michael Brookes, Elite BigWig Carl Agnew, genius #discworld author Terry Pratchett, and the formidable Carrie Fisher.
#StarTrekVoyager would've involved a lot less drama if they could extract fuel from stars like in #EliteDangerous.
In the latter, it is perfectly normal to cross the whole galaxy, stopping every few systems to gather fuel from the star you're flying by. Imagine how impossible that'd be if you couldn't approach stars to collect it.
Except…wait a minute…Voyager totally can approach stars. It does so in the intro. Why is fuel always so scarce, then?
Heh - think I'm getting somewhere with the styles on my companion app.
I can't really show the animations on a screenshot but the route planner is animated and moves forward depending where I am currently during the system jumps.
Crammed a lot of information in there. Including what stars can be scooped for fuel. Something I still struggle with because I simply can't remember such details!
Over the weekend I added a new trade data explorer to to help with #EliteDangerous system colonization efforts - not least because I am knee deep in spreadsheets and want better tooling.
Looking forward to doing more work on this over the next couple of weeks - posted a bit more about that here, for anyone into that sort of thing:
Tapped into #EDDN (#EliteDangerous Data Network) yesterday with like 3 lines of code and got an endless data spill in return.
That is rather impressive:
Not that I have any particular use for this but I understand the work that went into the companion apps for Elite a lot better now.
o7 @AthanSpod
Creo que en los próximos días me voy a dejar de asesinatos y robos y voy a intentar recorrer el Colonia Bridge, una ruta entre la burbuja de civilización y el sistema Colonia, a 24.000 años-luz de distancia. Allí además hay ingenieros a los que me gustaría visitar para mejorar mis motores y armas.
We made it home. There's no place quite like our carrier base. Our ship has sustained visible tear through its ~50,000 light year journey.
It's a wrap!
Explorers in #EliteDangerous will never not stop for the pretties the game has to offer: a blue-red nebula, a red dwarf and neutron star in close orbit, and another red dwarf and a T Tauri star even closer to each other.
#EliteDangerous aims to simulate the Milky Way at a 1:1 scale. It excels at making players "feel" distance, both within a star system as well as when travelling through the galaxy.
Our journey home will span almost 26,000 light years. Given that the in-game date is 3311, the flash of my first jump home will be visible from earth in the year 29,211.
We'll be a bit faster; our journey will take us about 3 hours.
#EliteDangerous arguably does a so-so job presenting these terrifyingly beautiful phenomena in-game (neutron stars, for instance, are much more impressive).
The light bending physics are somewhat accurate though, and give us an idea of the gravity of the situation (sorry...). Stars "behind" the gravity well are clearly visible in "rings" around it.
We even get close enough for the light bending effects to affect us - when moving away from the black hole, the stars move weirdly with us.
A week ago, my #EliteDangerous journey ended with a cliffhanger:
For the story's conclusion I had a bit of video editing to do, which took some time (after all, who wants to edit screen captures when there's games to play?).
Travellers and explorers familiar with the game will have identified "Explorer's Anchorage", a starport build through a player initiative for the "Distant Worlds II" expedition a few years back. It's just a small jump away from the galaxy centre.