The Assessment of the Safety Profile of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors Versus Other Antidepressants: Drug-Drug Interaction Insights from EudraVigilance (Dobrea, et al, 2025) #antidepressants #drugs #ssri #harmreduction #drugsafety #druguse
Would you look at that. There are clear red patterns lately where nerd hitler doesn’t sleep.
Just like Adolph, he has got to tweaking. Nobody manages an activity pattern like that without some form of stimulant regime.
When you go long stretches like that without sleeping properly, your sanity starts to rot. You only pay attention to things that keep you stimulated.
You could see this at the inaugration when he had to stand still and his eyes were doing a thing
Patients with cannabis use disorder were 10 times as likely to die by suicide as those in the general population. They were also more likely to die from trauma, drug poisonings and lung cancer. Those numbers suggest that cannabis use disorder is about half as dangerous as opioid addiction and slightly less dangerous than alcohol use disorder, the researchers said.
#Canada #addiction #druguse #marijuana
From the Never Use Alone FB page:
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"Our EMS number that was free is now $250 a month plus extra if we go over 5 calls.
This is a new and unexpected expense for us. This is the number we have to call to send ems to an overdose. It is no longer free for us. Our first month also has extra set up fees.
Everything we do at NUA is volunteer except for a couple of unhoused volunteers who get paid $5 a call. Our volunteers spend a lot of time and love for NUA. Please help out if you can ♡
THREE Ways to give below
1. We've set up a crowdfunding page at
If you can help financially, we appreciate it. If you cannot, please share the page so that others may be able to.
2. We have a merch store at We get a certain amount of each sale.
3. On our Facebook page, you can "subscribe" for $5 a month. Each person that subscribes, is basically sponsoring 1 phone call a month. 1 subscription = 1 person paid to answer 1 call. With around 22k followers, if even 5% of you subscribed at 4.99 a month, that would pretty much cover it!
You can subscribe at $4.99/month, by clicking this link.
We really appreciate any help you're able to offer. We're working towards our 501c3, but in the meantime, we really need your help!
Thank you everyone!"
We already have many years of evidence of the ways that drugs are destabilising countries’ legal and political institutions, devastating entire communities, and destroying millions of lives. In this story we ask, as with climate change, why are we so slow to recognise the existential threat that drug use poses to humanity?
Read the full story
Read the full story by following the #linkinbio Self-perception of risk for HIV acquisition among people in prisons in Iran: A nationwide survey in 2017 | BMC Public Health #Biostatistics #Conflicts #DrugUse #EnvironmentalHealth #Epidemiology #general #hiv #incarceration #Iran #Medicine/PublicHealth #prisons #PublicHealth #UnprotectedSex #Vaccine
Remember when that #Cybertruck blew up & we were all asking "Was it on purpose, or did it do that because #ElonMusk's incompetent?"
Well, he did a #Nazi salute & no one can parse what specific melange of #racism, #stupidity, #DrugUse & #psychoses we're dealing with.
I don't know. His excuses would be more plausible if he wasn't a supporter of #fascists with a history of racism & "edgy memelord" bullshit
Did you know: there’s already a book about president musk’s administration’s use of drugs and how it affected their decisions, even before the administration really starts?
Just change the proper nouns, it’s all there:
I have always wanted to see a serious study of what drugs were used by troops fighting in wars over the past 100 years, & by the generals & politicians directing them. It would be a fascinating exercise.
If you know of any studies, please tell me! #history #SocialHistory #C20History #DrugUse #Culture #Politics #Sociology #War
"Hospitals are dispensing medications to patients in labor, only to report them to child welfare authorities when they or their newborns test positive for those very same substances." #SayWhat #DrugUse #Misogyny
I just did an anonymous phone survey for NSW health, that's used in planning services available in different areas.
I was completely open and honest when they asked about my illicit drug use, and totally lied about the amount of exercise I (don't) do and the amount of soda I (do) drink
Also, my honesty about mental health stuff had her asking if I needed support numbers. "No, it's ok.. I'm very well supported in my craziness"
#USGOV uses term #Horrific to describe #incarceration in great state of #Georgia...
#DOJ released probe on conditions of #prisons in the state of #GA, which it said were "#inhumane" and in violation of the #USConstitution #EighthAmendment which prohibits #CruelAndUnusualPunishment
US GOVT sez #GeorgiaPrisons ''deliberately indifferent'' to unchecked deadly #violence, widespread #druguse, #extortion and #SexualAbuse at state lockups...
"The drop in state-level mortality numbers corresponds with similar steep declines in #EmergencyRoom visits linked to #overdoses." #GoodNews #PublicHealth #DrugUse
A TCС employee was fined 17,000 UAH for driving under the influence of drugs. He refused to undergo a medical examination. In addition to the fine, he was banned from driving for one year. #TrafficViolation #DrugUse
A South Korean can be prosecuted even if the alleged drug use took place in another country. It's insane.
Parasite director #BongJoonho is among a number of artists and arts organisations in #SouthKorea who have called for an investigation into the circumstances of the death last month of actor #LeeSunKyun.
The actor was under investigation at the time for alleged #DrugUse, and had reportedly been questioned for 19 hours the weekend before his death.