Curiosity rover detects long-chain carbon molecules on Mars
Fatty acid byproducts could be the remains of microbes - or not...
Curiosity rover detects long-chain carbon molecules on Mars
Fatty acid byproducts could be the remains of microbes - or not...
#Nasa #rover discovers largest #organic #compounds yet found on #Mars | Mars | The Guardian
Subject-specific: #Physics, #Chemistry, #Biology, #EarthScience.Dissecting the Heart: GCSE Science Explained
"A new sensor that could solve the problem of overheating lithium-ion batteries is described in a paper published in the journal ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
Ethylene carbonate (EC) is a key component of a battery’s electrolyte. The new sensor detects trace amounts of EC, flagging potential battery failures before they become disasters."
"Both baking powder and baking soda can play a role in giving baked goods their bubble-filled texture and taste. They are sold side-by-side in the supermarket, and have similar uses. But what’s the difference between them and how can we use those differences to our advantage?"
"When a complex system is far from equilibrium, small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos have the capacity to shift the entire system to a higher order."
Ilya Prigogine, Noble prize-winning chemist
I only use Ceylon #cinnamon (C. verum) because I try to avoid #coumarin, which is poisonous. (You should, too.) In order to authenticate the cinnamon I buy, I am experimenting with ways to detect coumarin at home. This sample is C. burmannii and the fluorescence you see here should be coumarin. In addition, my C. cassia and an el cheapo cinnamon of unknown type (I presume cassia) showed this. My two C. verum samples had nothing.
My attempt was to get the coumarin out with methanol (or I guess you can use cheap moonshine), and drip it on NaOH (drain opener) soaked #Aeropress filters, then dry and illuminate with UV. Am I right here? Anyone? #homelab #chemistry
#chemistry question: #coffee is an alkaloid. It's basic. Does anything interesting happens when I add lemon to my #tea? Does anything interesting happens when I add apple cider to my tea? What if I mixed coffeine with acetic anhydride? It turns morphine into heroine, what does it change coffeine into?
I've recently learned that some glassware contains uranium dioxide and will glow under ultraviolet light. And that they're collectible. For giggles, I used my UV Beast to illuminate some bowls at a house I'm cleaning out. They are not at all yellow/green in normal light. Are they glowing enough? #uranium #fluorescence #uvlight #physics #chemistry #glass
Then we got @compoundchem who also delivers #scientific #infographics about #chemistry and shows us how to serve information in layouts.
Graphs are one thing, but when you implement several elements together, then layout design is best option - if you can't do slides.
A bit more than byte sized infographics, but still informative and equally as important.
#ShortBreak #shorts #physics #chemistry #science #scienceisfun #BrotherOfColor
awwww poor Brother got soooo scared ó.ò
actually bro starts panicking each time when sis puts on her clever glasses =D
(this time the solution has a nice yummy smell ^.^)
Royal Society honours pioneering scientists who were first female members #RoyalSociety #Chemistry #Science #Society #Physics #UKnews #Women
found two @magnusmanske's Mix'n'Match catalogs important to #VHP4Safety
- CoSing ingredients:
- ECHA InfoCard:
The Periodic Table: Its Story and Its Significance by Eric Scerri, 2019
The periodic table of elements is among the most recognizable image in science. It lies at the core of chemistry and embodies the most fundamental principles of science. In this new edition, Eric Scerri offers readers a complete and updated history and philosophy of the periodic table.
#chemistry eating my brain again
(22 Mar) Scientists break down cheap plastic using the air — and turn it into something far more valuable
Scientists developed a new method for breaking down one of the most common plastics to a byproduct that can be upcycled into more valuable materials.
Archive: ais: ia:
the Saruhashi Prize for Japanese women researchers for excellence in science & mentoring women scientists.
The story goes that her interest was sparked in science watching raindrops in primary school, wondering about the source of rain. Her parents believed in education, but she had to make a case to leave a secure insurance job at 21 to study #chemistry. Her family witnessed how women struggled to support themselves without husbands or fathers in wartime. 2/n
It's too late to be this early
Do not want it to be 06:02, or 6:22, or 6:42... it's too close to morning nap time, and I'm presently in need of at least 82 additional minutes to wrap up a chapter on:
"Anomeric Metabolism, Glycogen Catabolism"
- Response reference doc:
- Convolutional Research-Net phrase relationship pathway:
> Calor miscere pressura, metabolicae aequatis Voluptatem
A paste from the not-yet-finished WIP doc:
Mutations which overexpress fructokinase can produce organic succinic acid from CO2, specifically when not supplemented with sugars under dark anoxic conditions, via an unknown metabolic pathway, and these mutations facilitate an ability to produce significantly more succinate.
Observantly this holds true, given the proper sequential pathway of interaction. In neuronal mapping of temporal lobe signaling under fMRI, the patient is directed to focus on their conscious-plane of sensations, at which then is induced a gripping state-change in frontal-lobe activity. Patient response described, "becomes tinged with sweetly acidic sucrolose at the lips" ... in pure darkness there exists breathless, intent-mediated actions of pattern based localized pressure, with ions catalyzed into a pH neutral shift.
Surely that is no 'unknown metabolic pathway'. In past years of my own it was known as a Standard Operating Procedure in organic-compound research labs by a much simplified descriptive phrase: 'Disaccharided Gluconeogenesis'.
and another batch, and a better SPARQL query. This one also looks instainces of subclasses of functional groups, giving many more items that can be enriched with CxSMILES: