As this article suggests, these are difficult days for conservatives trying to maintain some semblance of political and intellectual integrity.
Conservatives in the USA have always had the difficulty of coming to terms with their beloved country being birthed in a revolutionary war in which their side was intoxicated by lines such as this from Tom Paine:
"We have it in our power to begin the world over again."
It's difficult to find a sentiment more antithetical to conservatism than this!
Now I know that John Adams thought that Paine was spouting dangerous nonsense, but to deny the significance of the thinking represented by "Common Sense" for the American Revolution is to deny history.
British conservatives though - why do they feel they have to dance to Trump's tune? The author offers a suggestion in the antepenultimate paragraph, but I'm sure much more can be said on the matter.
I should imagine some old school Canadian Tories must be feeling horribly betrayed...
#Conservatism #USPolitics #UKPolitics #CanadianPolitics #ThomasPaine