Climate change puts women at greater risk, Former Latvian President says #ClimateChange #COP29 #DonaldTrump #GenderSecurity #GlobalIssues #Jaunumi #latvia #Latvija #VairaVikeFreiberga #WomenAtRisk Climate change puts women at greater risk, Former Latvian President says #ClimateChange #COP29 #DonaldTrump #GenderSecurity #GlobalIssues #Jaunumi #latvia #Latvija #VairaVikeFreiberga #WomenAtRisk
Europe’s race to build a war economy has led the bloc to pull spending desperately needed for another crisis: the climate. #environment #climatechange #uk #us #donaldtrump #climatechange #baku #cop29
Reanuda la COP 16 en Roma con anhelos pero sin recursos para proteger la naturaleza
Tres días de duros debates en un contexto geopolítico difícil, marcado ya por las decepcionantes negociaciones financieras de la COP29 sobre el clima, inician en Roma entre países ricos que se resisten a financiar la preservación del medio ambiente y los pobres que reclaman mayor equidad y transpar [...]
#COP16 #COP29 #Financiamiento. #Mundo #PreservaciónDeLaNaturaleza #Roma #ÚltimaHora
24/24 There is no #ClimateJustice without #HumanRights.
Governments and the UN must uphold their international obligations & ensure that everyone can participate in the COP safely while recognizing, through COP outcomes, the importance of protecting peoples’rights.
Fossil fuel-military industrial complex is integral to US imperialism. It is one of the largest polluter and traumatizer in the world, reinforcing US hegemony which is toxic. The sooner people can see this, the more constructive conversations can be had.
#COP29 #ClimateChange
Fossil fuel-military industrial complex is integral to US imperialism. It is one of the largest polluter and traumatizer in the world, reinforcing US hegemony which is toxic. The sooner people can see this, the more constructive conversations can be had.
#COP29 #ClimateChange
Developing world urges rich nations to defy Trump’s ‘climate nihilism’ #Leastdevelopedcountries #Greenhousegasemissions #Climatefinance #Climatecrisis #DonaldTrump #Environment #Brazil #Cop30 #Cop29
Clean energy contributed 10% to China’s GDP in 2024, analysis shows #Climatecrisis #Environment #Worldnews #Energy #China #Cop29
When it comes to #Climate Influence, we can no longer make the mistake of wasting time *pitching* our story or our innovation. We have to realize our value is in being a full-on sector RESOURCE. And that takes #leadership mindset shift. #sustainability #COP29
When it comes to #Climate Influence, we can no longer make the mistake of wasting time *pitching* our story or our innovation. We have to realize our value is in being a full-on sector RESOURCE. And that takes #leadership mindset shift. #sustainability #COP29
Africa: Shaping Conditions for Fair, Equitable and Enduring Climate Finance: [IPS] The global commitment to fair climate finance is at a crossroads. COP29 concluded with a disappointing New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance (NCQG), leaving developing nations at risk of being left behind. With the U.S. withdrawing from the Paris Agreement and slashing development aid, prospects for… #ClimateFinance #COP29 #ParisAgreement #SustainableDevelopment #EquityInFinance
#FYI #ClimateGenn #NickBreeze #HughHunt #PiersForster #UK #COP29 #Baku
Interview: "Piers clearly asserts that Carbon Capture and Storage technologies (CCS), that are forecast to remove emissions from so-called hard-to-abate sectors like aviation and steel, will not be enough to offset the damage causing carbon pollution."
#FYI #PaulBeckwith video lecture and literature review #COP #COP29 #NickBreeze
A chat on COP Climate Conferences with Nick Breeze and his COPOUT Book on Project to Save the World
When it comes to #Climate Influence, we can no longer make the mistake of wasting time *pitching* our story or our innovation. We have to realize our value is in being a full-on sector RESOURCE. And that takes #leadership mindset shift. #sustainability #COP29
When it comes to #Climate Influence, we can no longer make the mistake of wasting time *pitching* our story or our innovation. We have to realize our value is in being a full-on sector RESOURCE. And that takes #leadership mindset shift. #sustainability #COP29
Fossil fuel-military industrial complex is integral to US imperialism. It is one of the largest polluter and traumatizer in the world, reinforcing US hegemony which is toxic. The sooner people can see this, the more constructive conversations can be had.
#COP29 #ClimateChange
Fossil fuel-military industrial complex is integral to US imperialism. It is one of the largest polluter and traumatizer in the world, reinforcing US hegemony which is toxic. The sooner people can see this, the more constructive conversations can be had.
#COP29 #ClimateChange
Im November 2024 fand die UN-Klimakonferenz (COP29) im aserbaidschanischen Baku statt, kurz zuvor im Oktober die UN-Biodiversitätskonferenz (CBD-COP16) im kolumbischen Cali. Wie ist die Bilanz? Und wie geht globaler Klimaschutz, nachdem die USA aus dem Pariser Klimaabkommen ausgetreten sind?
#CBDCOP16 #COP29 #DonaldTrump #PariserKlimaschutzabkommen #UNKlimakonferenz #Weltnaturkonferenz #Forschungsquartett
Just a reminder. The mere *announcement* of a Chinese bullshit generator (#AI) was enough to convince investors to withdraw $1T from NASDAQ index stocks.
That is 3 years of full funding of the entire paris climate accord (post #COP29 tripling of the goal). Or about 100 years of Biden's maximal pledge.
Invested in a speculation about US AI dominance tentative enough to be shaken by a single news event.